Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

02:05 United States

Most American Pennies Thrown At Once

Tai Star

Tai Star threw 200 pennies at once.

01:29 The Internet

Most Times To Ask "Are We There Yet?" In One Minute While Wearing A Snorkel And A Mask

Eliane Fic

Eliane Fic asked "Are we there yet?" 54 times in one minute while wearing a snorkel and diving mask. She set the record during her family trip in Australia.

00:26 The Internet

Most Tongue Wiggles In 15 Seconds

Jacob Santiago

Jacob S. wiggled his tongue 86 times in 15 seconds.

03:50 Canada

Longest Time To Float A Continuous Spark Inside A Helium Balloon (3D)

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie floated a continuous spark inside a helium balloon and filmed it in 3D for one minute, 22.41 seconds.

00:7 United States

Fastest Time To Toss A Water Balloon From Behind The Back And Have It Burst On The Tip Of An Open Umbrella Held Over Head

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey tossed a water balloon from behind his back and burst it on the tip of an open umbrella held over his head in one minute, 20 seconds.

01:31 The Internet

Most Young Adult Authors Reading At Once

Josh Berk

Led by Josh Berk, a total of 35 young adult authors read Touched by Cyn Balog at once. The record was set during the 2012 YA Festival at the Easton Area Public Library in Easton, Pennsylvania.

11:49 United States

Longest Time Sitting On A Slackline


Siena Barkan sat on a slackline for 11 minutes, 40.00 seconds.

01:09 The Internet

Largest Group Of People Dressed As Cartoon Characters In A Parade

Kade Hill

Kade Hill led 89 students from the Maine Arts Camp in a parade while dressed as cartoon characters.

08:40 India

Largest Plastic Cup Pyramid

Vivek Kumar

Vivek K. built a pyramid using 5,300 plastic cups.

00:5 United States

Fastest Time To Remove T-Shirt And Put On Sunglasses

Sanjay Gupta

Reggy Newnew removed his shirt and put on his sunglasses in 2.40 seconds.

01:32 England

Longest Olympic-Themed Breeze Block Domino Chain

Responsible Fishing UK

In partnership with Newham Barnsley, the Wayne Sables Project made a domino chain using 500 breeze blocks and successfully made the entire chain topple. The Newham Barnsley Partnership is a unique approach to delivering a legacy from the games across the UK and using the excitement and passion of the Olympics to inspire and connect.

02:23 Canada

Most Times To Shift A Can Of Beans From One Hand To The Other In One Minute While Blindfolded

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman shifted a can of beans from one hand to the other 252 times in one minute while blindfolded.

00:35 The Internet

Most Consecutive Spins On An Oblique Workout Machine

Jeanice Utley

Jeanice Utley performed 10 consecutive spins on an oblique workout machine.

United States

Tallest Penny Tower Stacked With Two Hands In 30 Seconds

Vito O.

Viktor O. stacked 31 pennies in two towers in 30 seconds using both hands.

01:17 The Internet

Farthest Distance To Shoot A Balloon With A Semi-Automatic Pistol

Shea Conaway

Shea Conaway shot a balloon with a Springfield XDM .40 pistol from 100 yards away.

00:27 United States

Fastest Time To Squeeze Out A Four-Ounce Tube Of Toothpaste

Clint Poore

Clint Poore squeezed all of the toothpaste out a 4-ounce tube in 10.40 seconds.

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