Weight World Records

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639 Records Found

05:58 Canada

Most Additional Weight Added To A Person Performing The Glide Dance

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed the glide dance with 129 pounds of extra weight on his body.

01:03 Pakistan

Most Air Punches Holding Six-Kilogram Dumbbells On Both Hands While Lying

Muhammad Irfan Mehsood

Muhammad I. performed 254 air punches holding six-kilogram dumbbells in both hands while lying down.

00:33 Pakistan

Most Air Punches In 20 Seconds Holding One-Kilogram Weight

Muhammad Irfan Mehsood

Muhammad I. completed 126 air punches in 20 seconds holding a one-kilogram weight.

00:39 Pakistan

Most Air Punches In 30 Seconds While Holding A One-Kilogram Weight

Muhammad Irfan Mehsood

Muhammad I. completed 181 air punches in 30 seconds while holding a one-kilogram weight.

00:32 Slovakia

Most Air Punches Performed In 10 Seconds While Holding One-Kilogram Rods

Pavol Durdik

Pavol D. performed 121 air punches in 10 seconds while holding one-kilogram rods.

00:28 Pakistan

Most Air Punches Performed In 10 Seconds While Holding Six-Kilogram Dumbbells

Muhammad Irfan Mehsood

Muhammad I. performed 99 air punches in 10 seconds while holding six-kilogram dumbbells.

01:44 Scotland

Most Alternate Lunges Performed In One Minute While Carrying A 20-Pound Weight Using Mouth

William Cannon

William C. completed 13 alternate lunges in one minute while carrying a 20-pound weight using his mouth.

02:18 Scotland

Most Alternate Lunges Performed In One Minute While Carrying A 40-Pound Weight Using Mouth

William Cannon

William C. completed seven alternate lunges in one minute while carrying a 40-pound weight using his mouth.

00:48 United States

Most Anderson Presses Of A 275-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed seven reps Anderson pressing a 275-pound weight. Clint's body weight during the attempt was 234 pounds.

01:30 England

Most Bench Press Reps With A 220.50-Pound Weight On A Smith Machine (Athlete Under 206 Lbs.)

Mark Galloway

Mark G. bench pressed a barbell weighing 220.50 pounds. His body weight at the time of the attempt was 205.03 pounds.

01:13 United States

Most Bench Presses Of A 235-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed 26 reps bench pressing a 235-pound barbell. His body weight was 232 pounds during the attempt.

01:02 United States

Most Bench Presses Of A 380-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed six reps bench pressing a 380-pound barbell. His body weight was 231 pounds during the attempt.

01:10 United States

Most Bench Presses Using A 135-Pound Weight

Christopher Knox

Christopher K. bench pressed a 135-pound barbell 72 times.

01:25 United States

Most Burpee Exercises In One Minute While Holding A Two-Pound Weight With Chin

Lloyd Weema

Lloyd W. performed 13 Burpee exercises in one minute while holding a two-pound weight with his chin.

01:08 United States

Most Calf Raises In One Minute Using A 500-Pound Weight On A Leg Press Machine

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed 110 calf raises in one minute using a leg press machine with 500 pounds of weight racked.

01:37 United States

Most Calf Raises Using A 1000-Pound Weight On A Leg Press Machine

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed 89 calf raises using a leg press machine with 1000 pounds of weight racked.

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