video game World Records

  1. #601

    Fastest Lap On "Excitebike" (NES)

    Ryan Sullivan completed a lap on Excitebike in 29.36 seconds.

    Sep 04 RyanSullivan 9 comments The Internet
  2. #602

    Highest Score In "Star Castle" (Vectrex)

    Rob Maerz scored 1,010,720 points in Star Castle. See the entire gameplay video here.

    Sep 05 RobMaerz 1 comment The Internet
  3. #603

    Fastest Time To Knock Out Gabby Jay In "Super Punch-Out!!" (SNES)

    Zack Allard knocked out Gabby Jay of Super Punch-Out!! in 6.26 seconds.

    Sep 05 ZackAllard 5 comments The Internet
  4. #604

    Highest Score In Game 3 Of "Berzerk" (Atari 2600)

    Christian Keilback earned 868,590 points in Game 3 of Berzerk.

    Sep 06 Mightysquirrel United States
  5. #605

    Fastest Time To Complete 50cc Mushroom Cup Race In "Super Mario Kart"

    Francis E. completed the 50cc Mushroom Cup race in Super Mario Kart in one minute, 12.27 seconds. The record was streamed live as... (more)

    Sep 06 FrancisE The Internet
  6. #606

    Longest "Angry Birds" Marathon

    Ward Versonnen and Sirdan Dalle played Angry Birds nonstop for 48 hours. The record was organized by Compu-Trade during Computer... (more)

    Sep 17 Ward-Sirdan 1 comment
  7. #607

    Fastest Time to Beat Resident Evil 2 (PS1-PAL), Leon A. Scenario, A-Rank

    BallisticCrux beat Resident Evil 2 Leon A. with an A Rank in 1 hour, 13 minutes, 17.00 seconds.

    Sep 12 BallisticCrux 11 comments England
  8. #608

    Most People Playing Arcade Games At Once

    Led by Doc Mack, 106 people at the Galloping Ghost Arcade in Brookfield, Illinois played arcade games simultaneously.

    Sep 14 DocMack 5 comments The Internet
  9. #609

    Highest Score In "Flight Control"

    GAMMA Records earned 850,237 points in Flight Control. The game was set at Difficulty Level 5.

    Sep 17 gammarecords Greece
  10. #610

    Fastest Time To Reach Level 50 In "Borderlands 2"

    Matt Siegfried reached Level 50 in Borderlands 2 after playing nonstop for 43 hours, 15 minutes, and 23.00 seconds. He began on... (more)

    Sep 20 MattSiegfried 19 comments United States
  11. #611

    Highest Score In "mg_LEGO_course" In "Counter-Strike: Source"

    GAMMA Records earned 1,996 points on the mg_ LEGO _course in Counter-Strike: Source.

    Sep 21 gammarecords 1 comment Greece
  12. #612

    Highest Score In "mg_pauls_minecraft" Course In "Counter-Strike: Source"

    GAMMA Records earned 1,092 points on the mg_ pauls _minecraft course in Counter-Strike: Source.

    Sep 21 gammarecords Greece
  13. #613

    Most Steals By One Player In One Quarter In "NBA 2K11"

    Alex Cunningham performed six steals in one quarter in NBA 2K11. He used Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs against the New... (more)

    Sep 24 AlexCunningham United States
  14. #614

    Fastest Lap On "Excitebike" (NES)

    Jason Searcy completed a lap on Excitebike in 29.12 seconds.

    Sep 27 rewindtimegamer 9 comments United States
  15. #615

    Largest Redstone Melon Farm In "Minecraft"

    Jake used 22,250 blocks to build a 153 x 25 block Redstone melon farm in Minecraft.

    Sep 27 JakeOlshan2 5 comments The Internet
  16. #616

    Fastest Time To Complete Track 1 In "Excitebike" (NES)

    Jason Searcy completed Track 1 of Excitebike in 57.32 seconds.

    Sep 28 rewindtimegamer United States
  17. #617

    Fastest Lap On "Excitebike" (NES)

    Ryan Sullivan completed a lap on Excitebike in 28.84 seconds.

    Oct 01 RyanSullivan 9 comments The Internet
  18. #618

    Highest Score In "Fix It Felix Jr." (Arcade)

    Bret Bays earned 291,400 points in Fix It Felix Jr.

    Oct 05 BretBays 19 comments The Internet
  19. #619

    Highest Score In Temple Run: Brave

    Manuj Bhardwaj earned 51,605,073 points in Temple Run: Brave.

    Oct 10 ManujBhardwaj 17 comments The Internet
  20. #620

    Most Consecutive Juggles In Arena Mode Of "FIFA 12"

    UtzenundBamsen completed 1,204 juggles in Arena mode of FIFA 12.

    Oct 11 UtzenundBamsen 1 comment The Internet
video game records
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