Verbal World Records

267 Records Found

00:39 United States

Fastest Time To Say "She Sells Seashells by the Seashore" Five Times

Angela Sio

At the Bay to Breakers Pre-Race Expo in San Francisco, California, Angela Sio said "She sells seashells by the seashore" five times in 5.64 seconds, a World Record. This one of eight world records set at the Expo. Additionally, the race itself set a world record for Most World Records Set During a Road Race (40). See all the records at

01:17 United States

Youngest Person To Recite All 66 Books Of The Bible

Luke Taylor

Luke T. recited all 66 books of the Bible. He is five years old.

02:15 India

Most National Flags Named By A Two-Year-Old

Sharan Janarthanan

Sharan Janarthanan's son, Dhev, named 91 national flags. He is two years old.

00:38 Canada

Fastest Time To Say "Egg" Five Times

Smdmdm Kdmdmdmdm

Evan G. said egg five times in 0.90 second.

01:18 Argentina

Most Times Saying "Buy Me MGS V" While Staring At An Apple Juice Carton

Monkena Epato

Monkena E. said "buy me MGS V" 38 times while staring at an apple juice carton.


Fastest Time To Recite The Periodic Table Of Elements While Supporting Oneself Between Parallel Walls

Daksh Choudhary

Daksh Choudhary recited all 118 elements of the periodic table in one minute, 3.58 seconds while supporting himself between parallel walls.

01:44 United States

Most Zodiac Signs Recited While Performing A Handstand And Balancing A Hacky Sack On Head

Tai Star

Tai Star recited 20 zodiac signs while performing a handstand and balancing a hacky sack on his head.

01:31 Canada

Most Times Saying "Pickles Are Cucumbers Soaked In Evil" In 30 Seconds

Smdmdm Kdmdmdmdm

Evan G. said "pickles are cucumbers soaked in evil" 22 times in 30 seconds.

06:30 The Internet

Most Cars Named By A 3-Year-Old


Frankie named 70 car models. He is only three years old.

00:10 India

Most Times Saying "Go Pets" In 10 Seconds

Mamta Sharma

Mamta S. said "Go Pets" 28 times in 10 seconds.

05:12 India

Fastest Time For A Four-Year-Old To Name All 196 Country Capitals


Eshaani R. named 196 capitals of different countries in five minutes, 5.97 seconds. She is four years old.

08:51 Nepal

Fastest Time To Recite The Names Of Companies Acquired By eBay In Random Order

Kshitij Lohani

Kshitij L. recited the names of companies acquired by eBay in random order in 2.49 seconds.

00:53 United States

Most Times Saying "Hello" In 12 Seconds

Normandy Rindahl

Normandy R. said "Hello" 39 times in 12 seconds.

01:33 United States

Most Times Saying "Ice Skate" In 30 Seconds While Ice Skating

Ian McGehee

Ian M. said "ice Skate" 55 times in 30 seconds while ice skating.

01:30 Sri Lanka

Fastest Time For A Five-Year-Old To Recite The Periodic Table Of Elements

Indrajith Prabaswara

Indrajith P. recited the periodic table of elements in 58.60 seconds. He is five years old.

01:24 United States

Fastest Recitation Of The "Galaxy Song" By Monty Python

Tai Star

Tai Star recited the Galaxy Song by Monty Python in 38.70 seconds.

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