Most Times To Flash Four Clubs In 15 Seconds While Balancing A Club On Chin
Brian Pankey flashed four clubs four times in 15 seconds while balancing a juggling club on his chin simultaneously.
Mar 30 legendary
Most Juggling Rings Flashed With One Hand While Spinning A Pillow In The Other Hand
Brian Pankey flashed four juggling rings while spinning a pillow in the other hand.
Mar 30 legendary
Fastest Time To Complete 10 Coin Rolls With A Silver Dollar
Brian Pankey completed 10 coin rolls with an Eisenhower silver dollar in 15.02 seconds.
Mar 30 legendary
Most World Records Set By A Deaf Person
Brian Pankey, who is completely deaf, has set 2,325 world records at RecordSetter. He created this record category to inspire... (more)
Mar 30 legendary 8 comments
Longest Time To Balance A 13-Inch TV On Forehead
Doug McManaman balanced a 13-inch TV on his forehead for two minutes, 52.97 seconds.
Mar 30 DougMcManaman
Most Three-Ball Three-Up 360-Degree Spins In One Minute
Mark Hoare completed 22 three-ball three-up 360-degree spins in one minute.
Mar 30 Mark Hoare 2 comments
Most Tennis Ball Bounces On An American Football
3rd Floor Spruce bounced a tennis ball 68 times off a football.
Mar 30 3rdFloorSpruce 2 comments
Most Tennis Ball Bounces On An American Football
Brian Pankey bounced a tennis ball 372 times off a football.
Apr 02 legendary 2 comments
Most Tennis Ball Bounces On An American Football
Mark E. bounced a tennis ball 476 times off a football.
Nov 26 markowen 2 comments
Fastest Time To Kill Baal In "Diablo II"
Jayden Koplin killed Baal in Diablo II in 10.0 seconds.
Mar 30 JaydenKoplin
Fastest Time To Kill Duriel In "Diablo II"
Jayden Koplin killed Duriel in Diablo II in 3.0 seconds.
Mar 30 JaydenKoplin
Fastest Time To Kill Andariel In "Diablo II"
Jayden Koplin killed Andariel in Diablo II in 5.0 seconds.
Mar 30 JaydenKoplin
Heaviest Pile Of Bricks Hammered While On A Person's Head
Muhammad Rashid held 50 bricks weighing a total of 151 kilograms on his head. His friend hammered the bricks while they rested on... (more)
Mar 30 MuhammadRashid 1 comment
Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach
Madeleine Steinberg performed 20 consecutive cartwheels while on a beach.
Mar 30 MadeleineSteinberg 17 comments
Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach
Michael A. performed 27 consecutive handstands while on a beach.
Jul 10 MichaelAzzam 17 comments
Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach
Clint P. performed 21 consecutive handstands while on a beach.
Jan 29 ClintPoore 17 comments
Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach
Dale performed 39 consecutive cartwheels while on a beach.
Jan 02 Dale 17 comments
Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach
Michael Azzam performed 51 consecutive cartwheels while on a beach.
Mar 02 MichaelAzzam 17 comments
Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach
Holly D. performed 52 consecutive cartwheels while on a beach.
Oct 25 HollyDurbin 17 comments