1. #312

    Most Times To Flash Four Clubs In 15 Seconds While Balancing A Club On Chin

    Brian Pankey flashed four clubs four times in 15 seconds while balancing a juggling club on his chin simultaneously.

    Mar 30 legendary United States
  2. #313

    Most Juggling Rings Flashed With One Hand While Spinning A Pillow In The Other Hand

    Brian Pankey flashed four juggling rings while spinning a pillow in the other hand.

    Mar 30 legendary United States
  3. #314

    Fastest Time To Complete 10 Coin Rolls With A Silver Dollar

    Brian Pankey completed 10 coin rolls with an Eisenhower silver dollar in 15.02 seconds.

    Mar 30 legendary United States
  4. #315

    Most World Records Set By A Deaf Person

    Brian Pankey, who is completely deaf, has set 2,325 world records at RecordSetter. He created this record category to inspire... (more)

    Mar 30 legendary 8 comments United States
  5. #316

    Longest Time To Balance A 13-Inch TV On Forehead

    Doug McManaman balanced a 13-inch TV on his forehead for two minutes, 52.97 seconds.

    Mar 30 DougMcManaman Canada
  6. #317

    Most Three-Ball Three-Up 360-Degree Spins In One Minute

    Mark Hoare completed 22 three-ball three-up 360-degree spins in one minute.

    Mar 30 Mark Hoare 2 comments England
  7. #318

    Most Tennis Ball Bounces On An American Football

    3rd Floor Spruce bounced a tennis ball 68 times off a football.

    Mar 30 3rdFloorSpruce 2 comments
  8. #319

    Most Tennis Ball Bounces On An American Football

    Brian Pankey bounced a tennis ball 372 times off a football.

    Apr 02 legendary 2 comments United States
  9. #320

    Most Tennis Ball Bounces On An American Football

    Mark E. bounced a tennis ball 476 times off a football.

    Nov 26 markowen 2 comments Wales
  10. #321

    Fastest Time To Kill Baal In "Diablo II"

    Jayden Koplin killed Baal in Diablo II in 10.0 seconds.

    Mar 30 JaydenKoplin The Internet
  11. #322

    Fastest Time To Kill Duriel In "Diablo II"

    Jayden Koplin killed Duriel in Diablo II in 3.0 seconds.

    Mar 30 JaydenKoplin The Internet
  12. #323

    Fastest Time To Kill Andariel In "Diablo II"

    Jayden Koplin killed Andariel in Diablo II in 5.0 seconds.

    Mar 30 JaydenKoplin The Internet
  13. #324

    Heaviest Pile Of Bricks Hammered While On A Person's Head

    Muhammad Rashid held 50 bricks weighing a total of 151 kilograms on his head. His friend hammered the bricks while they rested on... (more)

    Mar 30 MuhammadRashid 1 comment The Internet
  14. #325

    Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach

    Madeleine Steinberg performed 20 consecutive cartwheels while on a beach.

    Mar 30 MadeleineSteinberg 17 comments Puerto Rico
  15. #326

    Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach

    Michael A. performed 27 consecutive handstands while on a beach.

    Jul 10 MichaelAzzam 17 comments The Internet
  16. #327

    Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach

    Clint P. performed 21 consecutive handstands while on a beach.

    Jan 29 ClintPoore 17 comments United States
  17. #328

    Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach

    Dale performed 39 consecutive cartwheels while on a beach.

    Jan 02 Dale 17 comments United States
  18. #329

    Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach

    Michael Azzam performed 51 consecutive cartwheels while on a beach.

    Mar 02 MichaelAzzam 17 comments The Internet
  19. #330

    Most Consecutive Cartwheels On A Beach

    Holly D. performed 52 consecutive cartwheels while on a beach.

    Oct 25 HollyDurbin 17 comments United States