1. #198

    Youngest Person To Juggle Four Balls In A Half Shower Pattern While Hula Hooping

    Pete Moyer, who is 18 years, 10 months and 21 days old, juggled four balls in a half shower pattern while hula hooping.

    Mar 27 PeteM United States
  2. #199

    Most Playing Card Thumb Fans With A One-Handed Close In One Minute

    Brian Pankey completed 20 playing card thumb fans with a one-handed close in one minute.

    Mar 27 legendary United States
  3. #200

    Most Playing Card Thumb Fans With A One-Handed Close In One Minute

    Brian Pankey completed 26 playing card thumb fans with a one-handed close in one minute. He completed a total of 27 but the last... (more)

    Apr 02 legendary United States
  4. #201

    Longest Time To Juggle Three Mini Basketballs In A Box Pattern

    Brian Pankey juggled three mini basketballs in a box pattern for one minute, 50.71 seconds.

    Mar 27 legendary United States
  5. #202

    Most Kitchen Spoons Juggled

    Brian Pankey juggled four kitchen spoons.

    Mar 27 legendary United States
  6. #203

    Most Kitchen Spoons Juggled

    Ewan Clementson juggled five kitchen spoons.

    Jan 29 EwanClementson England
  7. #204

    Most Clubs Juggled While Balancing On A Rola Bola

    Brian Pankey juggled five clubs while balancing on a rola bola.

    Mar 28 legendary United States
  8. #205

    Tallest Brick Tower Stacked On Head

    Chris Pitetti stacked 22 bricks on his head.

    Mar 27 ChrisPitetti The Internet
  9. #206

    Most Five-Club Flashes In 30 Seconds While Balancing On A Rola Bola

    Brian Pankey completed six five-club flashes in 30 seconds while balancing on a rola bola.

    Mar 27 legendary United States
  10. #207

    Most Consecutive Quarters Bounced Into Shot Glasses

    Patrick McHale bounced American quarters into shot glasses eight times in a row.

    Mar 27 PatrickMcHale 4 comments The Internet
  11. #208

    Tallest Object Balanced On Chin While Balancing On A Rola Bola

    Brian Pankey balanced a pole measuring 10.08 feet (121 inches) on his chin while balancing on a rola bola.

    Mar 27 legendary 4 comments United States
  12. #209

    Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Rubik's Cube While Spinning A Pillow

    Brian Pankey bounced a table tennis ball on a Rubik's cube 104 times while spinning a pillow in his other hand.

    Mar 27 legendary United States
  13. #210

    Youngest Person To Juggle In A Box Pattern While Hula Hooping

    Pete Moyer, who is 18 years, 10 months and 10 days old, juggled in a box pattern while hula hooping.

    Mar 27 PeteM United States
  14. #211

    Youngest Person To Juggle Three Rings While Hula Hooping Using Two Hula Hoops

    Pete Moyer, who is 18 years, 10 months and 12 days old, juggled three rings while continuously hula hooping using two hula hoops.

    Mar 27 PeteM United States
  15. #212

    Fastest Time To Complete "Doors" (iPhone)

    Adam Horn completed the game Doors on his iPhone in four minutes, 49.60 seconds.

    Mar 27 AdamHorn1 The Internet
  16. #213

    Fastest Button Accordionist

    Bisse Grigo played "A Fond la Caisse" on his button accordion at 20 buttons per second.

    Mar 27 BisseGrigo The Internet
  17. #214

    Most One-Armed Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes

    Alicia Weber performed 130 one-armed Leaping Mountain Climber exercises in five minutes.

    Mar 28 AliciaWeber 7 comments United States
  18. #215

    Most One-Armed Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes

    Alicia Weber performed 321 one-armed Leaping Mountain Climber exercises in five minutes.

    Nov 06 AliciaWeber 7 comments United States
  19. #216

    Most One-Armed Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes

    Guillaume Bourgeois performed 240 one-armed Leaping Mountain Climber exercises in five minutes.

    Jun 22 GuillaumeBourgeois 7 comments France