Tossing World Records

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184 Records Found

01:10 United States

Most "Skill Toys" Used In One Minute

J The Juggler

Japheth G. used 24 different skill toys in one minute. The toys and tricks used include coins, juggling balls, juggling clubs, juggling rings, a pen, hackey sack, cigar boxes, ping pong ball and paddle, hat manipulation, spinning top, paddleball, kendama, contact juggling, bounce juggling, frisbee, spinning plate, basketball, soccerball, stilts, knife throwing, jump rope, unicycle, pogo stick, and a rola bola.

03:54 Canada

Most Bottles Tossed Into A Box Using Mouth In One Minute

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman tossed six bottles into a box using his mouth in one minute.

01:07 United States

Most Consecutive "Snakes" With A Myachi In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 25 “Snakes” with a Myachi in one minute.

00:32 United States

Most Consecutive "Snakes" With A Myachi In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed nine “Snakes” with a Myachi in 30 seconds.

00:38 United States

Longest Paper Clip Toss Between Legs Into A Glass Jar

Alex Hamer

Alex tossed a paper clip between his legs and into a glass jar positioned 10 feet away.

01:29 The Internet

Most "Buncha Crunch" Tossed Over Head And Caught In Mouth

Jake York

Jake Y. tossed 17 Buncha Crunch pieces over head and caught them in his mouth.

02:04 The Internet

Most Consecutive Sombrero Tosses Between Four People

Mike Elgar

Mike and three of his friends successfully tossed and caught a sombrero 69 times in a row.

03:33 United States

Most 360-Degree Catches Of A Raw Egg

Tai Star

Tai Star tossed a raw egg into the air and circled his hand around the egg before catching it on the back of his hand 35 times.

00:27 United States

Highest Hay Bale Toss

Omega Force

Randy Richey of the Omega Force strength team tossed a square bale of hay 12 feet high. He set the record at The Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports and Fitness Festival in Columbus, Ohio.

07:31 United States

Fastest Time To Perform 100 Sand Deep Squat Jumps While Tossing A 10-Pound Medicine Ball

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 100 sand deep squat jumps in five minutes, 53.00 seconds while tossing a 10-pound medicine ball.

01:31 Canada

Most iPhone Tosses Between Two People In One Minute With Bystander Slow Clapping

1031Virgin Radio

Two members of 103.1 Virgin Radio in Winnipeg, Manitoba tossed an iPhone back and forth to each other 52 times in one minute while a bystander slow-clapped.

00:39 The Internet

Most Consecutive Pumpkin Seeds Tossed And Caught In Mouth

Todd L.

Todd L. tossed and caught 14 pumpkin seeds in his mouth. The record was set at First Friday Las Vegas, a monthly festival held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The record was officiated by RecordSetter co-founders Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson. #FirstFridayLV

01:10 The Internet

Most Gobstoppers Tossed And Caught In Mouth

Nick Saucedo

Nick S. tossed and caught nine Gobstoppers in his mouth.

00:46 The Internet

Most Consecutive Smarties Tossed And Caught In Mouth

Nick Saucedo

Nick S. tossed and caught eight Smarties in his mouth.

00:59 The Internet

Most Times To Toss A Can Of Beans From Hand To Hand In One Minute


Jared tossed a can of beans from hand to hand and successfully caught it 180 times in one minute.

01:05 The Internet

Most Consecutive Patterns During A Three-Ball Mills Mess Juggling Pattern In One Minute


KooKie completed 110 consecutive patterns while performing a three-ball Mills Mess juggling pattern in one minute.

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