Under Council Review

Most Enemies Collected In "Minecraft"

Record Attempt
- must be Minecraft mobs
- must collect enemies in a contained area
- must observe RecordSetter video game criteria
- must provide video evidence
Set On
September 11, 2017
State/Province: 0 I have wanted to beat a record for a long time, now i finally found one where i can use my redstone skills and beat it, i finally did it Fun Fact, a couple seconds after my recording ended, my game crashed, that was a well timed stop, my record for now is the final number that the video said in the end in the top left corner -1, i wouldn't want to count myself in, so 4537 - 1= 4536 silverfish i tought of the idea by clicking on a records video, not watching it but just going to the site and looking for one myself, and once i get my new video card and extra memory i will get to 17280 and make another video I chose this record because i wanted to put my pc to the test, the best way i could think of Also fun fact, uploading the video took longer than recording it