Stacking World Records

423 Records Found

00:56 Australia

Tallest Dice Tower Stacked On A Football Held In Hand

Marcus Brims

Marcus B. stacked seven dice into a tower on a football held in his hand.

00:50 United States

Tallest Tower Of Tennis Ball Cans Stacked In 30 Seconds

Liz Weiner

Liz W. stacked seven tennis ball cans in a tower in 30 seconds. She set the record as part of "Legend Setter", an interactive competition hosted by Heineken during the 2014 US Open for fans to participate in their own off-the-court challenges. A RecordSetter Official was present to adjudicate the attempt.

02:08 United States

Most Smart Phone Cases Stacked On Head

Michael Lopata

Michael L. stacked nine smart phone cases on his head.

03:46 Canada

Tallest Golf Ball Tower Stacked On A Wine Bottle

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman stacked three golf balls on a wine bottle.

02:26 India

Fastest Time To Deal Out A Deck Of Cards With Five Coins Stacked Atop The Deck

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur dealt out a deck of cards with five coins stacked atop the deck in one minute, 26.56 seconds.

02:02 United States

Tallest Penny Tower Stacked On Right Pinky Finger

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked 16 pennies on right pinky finger.

02:46 The Internet

Tallest Coca-Cola Plastic Bottle Cap Tower

Dennis Fontaine

Dennis F. stacked 20 Coca-Cola plastic bottle caps in a tower.

05:18 The Internet

Most Pillows Stacked And Sat On

Mitchell Borin

Mitchell B. stacked 13 pillows in one column and sat on it.

01:26 United States

Tallest Penny Tower Stacked On A Golf Tee With Right Hand In 30 Seconds

Vito O.

Vito O. stacked 15 pennies on a golf tee with his right hand in 30 seconds.

00:46 Canada

Fastest Time To Stack 10 Bottle Caps

Dustin Aikman

Dustin A. stacked 10 bottle caps in 5.62 seconds.

00:39 United States

Tallest Zappos Delivery Box Tower Stacked In 15 Seconds

Jesi Vasquez

At the Bay to Breakers Pre-Race Expo in San Francisco, California, Jesi Vasquez stacked a tower of 15 Zappos delivery boxes in 15 seconds, a World Record. This one of eight world records set at the Expo. Additionally, the race itself set a world record for Most World Records Set During a Road Race (40). See all the records at

02:40 United States

Most Lipsticks Applied And Stacked In A Tower In 30 Seconds

Ashley and Steph

While hosting an episode of RecordSetter Kids, Ashley applied and stacked four lipsticks in 30 seconds, a RecordSetter World Record. Want to challenge her record? Have parental guidance and follow all rules listed on this page.

04:18 India

Tallest CD And Card Tower Balanced On Hand

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. balanced a CD and card tower that reached 10 stories high on his hand.

01:00 South Africa

Tallest Beer Can Tower

Steyn Enslin

Steyn E. stacked 14 beer cans in a tower.

02:00 Germany

Tallest Dice Tower Stacked On An SD Card Adapter Held Between Two Fingers

Maximiliano Pugliese

Maximiliano P. stacked 30 dice on an SD card adapter held between his two fingers.

01:22 United States

Most Wii Game Cases Balanced On Back Of Hand While Spinning A Frisbee

Adam Ford

Adam F. balanced 14 Wii game cases on the back of his hand while spinning a Frisbee.

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