Sports World Records

1904 Records Found

00:50 The Internet

Most Straight-Armed Push-Ups On Fingertips While Carrying 20-Pound Weight On Back

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed seven straight-armed push-ups on his fingertips while carrying a 20-pound weight on his back.

00:18 The Internet

Most Straight-Armed One-Legged Push-Ups On Fingertips While Carrying 11-Pound Weight On Back

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed six straight-armed, one-legged push-ups on his fingertips while carrying an 11-pound weight on his back.

02:37 Georgia

Most Push-Ups On Fists With 19-Kilogram Weight On Back In One Minute

Georgian Records Federation

George Matureli of the Georgian Records Federation completed 59 push-ups using his fists while wearing 19 kilograms of additional weight on his back in one minute. See photos here.

02:01 Pakistan

Most Chest-Level Martial Arts Kicks In One Minute


Ahmad Amin Bodla performed 249 martial arts kicks in one minute. All kicks were chest-level high.

00:37 Pakistan

Most Martial Arts Knee Strikes In 30 Seconds


Ahmad Amin Bodla performed 71 martial arts knee strikes in 30 seconds, targeting a dummy.

00:48 The Internet

Most Leg Extension Exercises With A 380-Pound Weight

Mark Alan

Mark A. performed three leg extension exercises with a 380-pound weight.

01:18 The Internet

Longest Handstand On A Gymnastics Mat

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed a handstand on a yellow gymnastics mat for one minute, 12.06 seconds.

01:31 United States

Fastest Time To Perform Twenty 100-Pound Hammer Curls

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed twenty 100-pound hammer curls in 27.97 seconds.

00:22 The Internet

Most Consecutive Strapped Front Giants On A Gymnastics Horizontal Bar

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed 11 consecutive strapped front giants on a gymnastics horizontal bar.

03:06 Pakistan

Most Martial Arts Kicks In Three Minutes


Ahmad Amin Bodla performed 762 martial arts kicks in three minutes.

01:31 The Internet

Longest Handstand On A Red Gymnastics Mat

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed a handstand on a red gymnastics mat for one minute, 26.79 seconds.

01:08 Pakistan

Most Martial Arts Kicks In One Minute


Ahmad Amin Bodla performed 410 martial arts kicks in one minute.

02:29 The Internet

Most Muscle-Up Exercises By A 14-Year-Old

Spencer Weston

Spencer W. performed six consecutive muscle-up exercises.

01:30 The Internet

Longest Handstand On Two Separate Gymnastics Mats

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed a handstand on two separate gymnastics mats for one minute, 29.68 seconds.

01:17 The Internet

Fastest Time For Three People Wearing Disney Shirts To Throw A Baseball 28 Times

Ethan Bryan

Ethan and his two daughters threw a baseball 28 times in 37.94 seconds. They used a Disney baseball and wore Disney shirts as a tribute to Walt Disney and the year Mickey Mouse first appeared in Steamboat Willie. The attempt was also part of Ethan's stunt-journalism-book-project to become the "World's Best Catch Player".

01:45 India

Most Six-Foot Decline Push-Ups

Rajesh Kumar Bagari

Rajesh K. performed 132 decline push-ups. His feet were placed six feet above the ground during the attempt.

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