Sports World Records

1904 Records Found

02:31 Scotland

Most Kali Stick Rotations In One Minute While Balancing A 12-Pound Barbell On Head

William Cannon

William C. rotated a pair of Kali sticks 16 times in one minute while balancing a 12-pound barbell on his head.

02:56 Scotland

Most Alternate Lunges Performed In One Minute While Balancing A 12-Pound Barbell On Head

William Cannon

William C. performed four alternate lunges while balancing a 12-pound barbell on his head.

07:20 Canada

Longest Time Balancing Seven Pieces Of Sporting Equipment On Chin While Sitting

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a hockey puck, a badminton racquet, a tennis ball, a bowling ball, a baseball, a golf ball, and a football on his chin for 48.07 seconds while sitting.

00:19 The Internet

Highest Dunk By A 12-Year-Old Using A Mini Ball

Milo Ostwald

Milo O. performed a 106.5-inch dunk using a mini ball. He is 12 years old.

04:25 Scotland

Fastest Time To Run 200 Meters While Carrying A 150-Pound Rucksack

William Cannon

William C. ran 200 meters in one minute, 57.65 seconds while carrying a 150-pound rucksack.

05:14 Scotland

Fastest Time To Perform One Full Stroke On A Stationary Rowing Machine While Balancing A 100-Pound Barbell On Head

William Cannon

William C. performed one full stroke on a stationary rowing machine in 46.17 seconds while balancing a 100-pound barbell on his head.

03:44 Scotland

Fastest Time To Sit And Stand While Balancing A 100-Pound Barbell On Head

William Cannon

William C. sat and stood in 26.86 seconds while balancing a 100-pound barbell on his head.

02:26 Scotland

Fastest Time To Stand Up Two Times From Kneeling Position While Balancing A 12-Pound Barbell On Head

William Cannon

William C. stood up two times from kneeling position in one minute, 27.00 seconds while balancing a 12-pound barbell on his head.

01:40 United States

Most Leg Presses Using A 1000-Pound Weight

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. leg pressed a 1000-pound weight 70 times in one minute.

00:31 United States

Most Times To Say "Go, Pats!" In 10 Seconds

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey said "Go, Pats!" 23 times in 10 seconds.

00:30 United States

Most Times To Say "Go, Patriots!" In 10 Seconds

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey said "Go, Patriots!" 18 times in 10 seconds.

00:32 United States

Most Times To Say "Go, New England Patriots!" In 10 Seconds

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey said "Go, New England Patriots!" 11 times in 10 seconds.

01:28 England

Fastest Time To Recite The Liverpool F.C. Premier League Squad 2011-2012

Paul (Pabs) Melia

Paul (Pabs) Melia named the Liverpool F.C. Premier League squad 2011-2012 in 14.81 seconds.

00:44 The Internet

Most Consecutive Rally Hits With A Jumbo Badminton Set

Jeremy Drake

Jeremy Drake and his friend completed 31 rally hits with a jumbo badminton set.

08:08 United States

Most Opposite Arm And Leg Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 95 opposite arm and leg leaping mountain climber exercises in five minutes.

07:42 Canada

Fewest Shots To Hit A Golf Ball On Top Of A Soccer Ball Using A .22-Caliber Rifle

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman used two shots to hit a golf ball on top of a soccer ball using a .22-caliber rifle. The targets stood 65 yards away.

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