Physical World Records

133 Records Found

01:18 The Internet

Most Consecutive 20-Pound Dumbbell Curls While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On Alternate Sides Of A Paddle

JJ Walker

JJ completed 33 consecutive 20-pound dumbbell curls while bouncing a table tennis ball on alternate sides of a paddle in his other hand.

01:01 Canada

Most Sit-Ups With Legs Wrapped Around A Woman's Waist

David Fei

David Fei performed 21 sit-ups with his legs wrapped around a woman's waist.

00:47 Italy

Most Tandem Leap Frogs In 30 Seconds

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter and his friend leapfrog over each other 30 times in 30 seconds.

01:38 The Internet

Largest Group Piggyback Hug

Jeffrey Tomlinson

Led by Jeff Tomlinson, 32 pairs of students joined together for a 64-person piggyback group hug.

01:48 United States

Fastest Time To Crab Walk 42 Feet

Alicia Weber

Alica Weber crab walked 42 feet in 5.70 seconds.

01:07 Pakistan

Most Full Contact Punch Strikes While Carrying A 40-Pound Backpack And Wearing 2-Pound Wrist Weights On Each Hand


Ahmad Amin Bodla struck 337 full contact punches while carrying a 40-pound backpack and wearing two-pound wrist weights on each hand.

00:36 France

Longest Back Lever Pose While Balancing Person On Back

Kevin Soler

Kevin S. held a back lever pose for 32.03 seconds with a 55-kilogram person standing on his back.

01:45 The Internet

Most Consecutive Push-Ups While Wearing Sunglasses With Five Marshmallows Placed On Back

Sarah Smith

Sarah's friend completed 50 push-ups while wearing sunglasses and balancing five marshamllows on his back.

00:51 Italy

Fastest Time To Run Around A Church

Ivan Cernic

Ivan C. ran around a church in 15.75 seconds.

03:36 The Internet

Most Consecutive Revolutions In A Manual Revolving Door

Geoffrey A

Geoffrey A. completed 50 consecutive revolutions in a hand-powered, manual revolving door.

00:51 The Internet

Most Consecutive Tree Root Pull-Ups

Josh Law

Josh L. completed 10 consecutive pull-ups hanging from the root of a tree.

02:45 France

Most Consecutive One-Armed Clapping Push Ups

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. completed 50 consecutive one-armed clapping push-ups wearing a boxing glove.

00:22 India

Most Times Kicking One's Own Butt In 20 Seconds

pradeep babu

Pradeep B. kicked his own butt 158 times in 20 seconds.

01:16 Germany

Most Times Bouncing A 5-KG Medicine Ball Against A Wall In One Minute

Patrik Faatz

Patrik bounced a 5-kg medicine ball on a wall 109 times in one minute.

01:09 The Internet

Most Sit-Ups In One Minute While Balancing Skateboard On Head

Shawtgun White

Shawtgun White completed 18 sit-ups in one minute while balancing a skateboard on his head.

00:46 The Internet

Most Sit-Ups With Legs Wrapped Around A Man's Waist

Ricky Barnett

Ricky B. performed 24 sit-ups while his legs were wrapped around a man's waist.

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