Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:03 India

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On Alternating Sides Of A Tennis Racquet While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a table tennis ball on alternating sides of a tennis racquet 34 times while balancing on a rola bola.

01:31 The Internet

Largest Group To Shave Heads In Solidarity With People Battling Cancer

St. Baldrick's

46 “Mommas” shaved their heads in solidarity with kids battling cancer. The group's goal is to raise $1 million dollars for pediatric oncology, and donate it the St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

01:15 United States

Most Hats Put On In One Minute

Brian Pankey

09:46 United States

Most People To Squeak Balloons At Once

Daniel Foster

27 people squeaked balloons at the same time. List of participants: Michael “Mikey” Pullman Weseley Hanna Shawn Swensen Anne Anderson Oliver Anderson Carter Anderson Clancy Anderson Nancy Parker Ashley Brother Jesse Brother Josh Brother Bella Brother Jeff Anderson Lilith Duncan Tori Blackthorne Cory Blackthorne Aaron Sheehan Mark Hagge Carrie Hagge Andrea Hagge Paul Hagge Sarah Shamblin Pete Peterson Jayde Ward Sherry Japhet Daniel Foster Sagan Foster

00:44 Scotland

Most Times Saying "Cancer Sucks" In 15 Seconds

Mairi Weir

Mairi W. said, “Cancer sucks” 25 times in 15 seconds.

01:57 Wales

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Table Tennis Ball On The Barrel Of A Baseball Bat

Mark Evans

Mark E. bounced a table tennis ball 48 times on the barrel of his baseball bat.

00:34 India

Most Rotations Of A USB Flash Drive On A Lanyard Around Finger In 15 Seconds

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur spun a USB flash drive on the end of a lanyard around his right index finger 60 times in 15 seconds.

00:59 Australia

Most Human Bones Named In 30 Seconds

Deb Craig

Deborah Craig recited 27 human bones from memory in 30 seconds. Bones listed: - frontal - parietal - temporal - occipital - ethmoid - sphenoid - zygomatic - mandible - maxilla - cranium - clavicle - ribs - cervical vertebrae - thoracic vertebrae - lumbar vertebrae - hip - sacrum - tibia - fibula - patella - radius - ulna - humerus - intermediate phalanges - proximal phalanges - distal phalanges - calcaneus (heel)

01:46 United States

Most Consecutive Golf Ball Bounces On A Rubber Mallet While Juggling Two Tennis Balls Preceded By A Four-Object Fountain

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed a four-object fountain pattern before completing 141 consecutive bounces of a golf ball on a rubber mallet while juggling two tennis balls with his other hand.

01:20 India

Most Consecutive 'Triangle Cuts' In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal Aslam completed 12 consecutive ‘Triangle Cuts’ in one minute.

01:42 United States

Most Consecutive Six-Club 'Flashes'

Jack Denger

Jack Denger completed five consecutive six-club flashes.


Largest Pile Of Shoes

Quest Youth Group

Quest Youth Group of Limes Avenue Baptist Church built a shoe pile of 150 shoes.

01:24 Wales

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Glass Bottle

Mark Evans

Mark E. completed 65 consecutive table tennis ball bounces on a glass bottle.

01:00 United States

Most 'Sybil Cuts' With A Deck Of Cards In One Minute

Gold Member

Gold Member completed 26 sybil cuts with a deck of cards in one minute.

01:05 United States

Most Consecutive Golf Ball Bounces On Alternating Sides Of A Rubber Mallet While Juggling Two Tennis Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 96 golf ball bounces on alternating sides of a rubber mallet while juggling two tennis balls in his other hand.

01:00 United States

Most Catches Of A Tennis Ball On Base Of A Tennis Can In One Minute While Juggling Three Balls

Brian Pankey

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