7868 Records Found

Most Knock-Outs Made In One Minute In "Super Smash Brothers" (3DS)
Joseph Kenneally

Most Plyometric Inverted Row Chin-Ups
Alicia Weber

Most Crowns Awarded At A Beauty Pageant
Ms. Tourism World Philippines 2014

Most Glitter Balloons Popped In 11 Seconds
YouTube Nation

Most People Spinning In Office Chairs At Once
YouTube Nation

Most Hopscotch Court Repetitions In 20 Minutes
20or20 Challenge

Most Over-The-Shoulder Reps Using A 100-Pound Medicine Ball In 45 Seconds
Clint Poore

Most Microsoft "Windows" Closed In 20 Seconds

Most Quiz Books Published By A Single Author
Chris Cowlin

Most Consecutive Pull-Ups Using One Little Finger
Christian Mathies

Most Pairs Of Socks Balanced On An Arm In One Minute
Pavol Durdik

Most Consecutive Golf Putts Holed From 33 Feet
David Kargetta

Most Lifts Of Two 27-Kilogram Dumbbells In One Minute
Suman Singh

Most One-Handed High Fives Between Two People With Eyes Closed
laurel cadena

Most One-Handed High Fives Between Two People With Eyes Closed
laurel cadena

Most Consecutive Golf Ball Bounces On A Beer Bottle While Standing On One Leg
Suresh Gaur
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