7868 Records Found
Most Virtual Fruits Sliced In "Fruit Ninja" While Spinning A Top On Screen
Nathan Squire
Most Viruses On A Computer
Joharren Stewart
Most Visitors Greeted At The Entrance Of A Canadian Province By A Bagpiper
Mallory Wolchuk
Most Visits To The "Holy Land"
Most Visors Worn At Once
Lexi Moyle
Most Vitamin Bottle Flips Onto A Bed In One Minute
Most Vitamins Taken In One Minute While Drinking Sweet Tea And Listening To Earl Sweatshirt
Mark H
Most Vladimir Guerrero Baseball Cards Held At Once
Simon Perkins
Most Volleyball Bumps On A Volleyball Court In One Minute
Most Volleyball Passes Between Two People
Avery Conway
Most Volleyball Sit-Ups In 10 Minutes
Alicia Weber
Most Volleyball Sit-Ups In Eight Minutes
Alicia Weber
Most Volleyball Sit-Ups In Five Minutes
Alicia Weber
Most Volleyball Sit-Ups In Four Minutes
Alicia Weber
Most Volleyball Sit-Ups In Nine Minutes
Alicia Weber
Most Volleyball Sit-Ups In One Minute
Alicia Weber
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