Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:48 The Internet

Most Times Singing “Car” In A One-Minute Song

College Humor

Pat Cassels and Brian Murphy from College Humor sat in a Ford Focus ST and sung 'car' 43 times in a one-minute song. Watch the full Ford Focus ST video here. The record was officiated by RecordSetter president Dan Rollman.

06:33 United States

Most Times Singing The Word "Party" In A Song

Byron Russell

Byron Russell sang the word “party” 775 times in a song.

01:08 United States

Most Times Sitting On A Whoopee Cushion And Saying "Merry Christmas" In 15 Seconds While Dressed As Santa Claus

Clint Poore

Clint P. sat on a whoopee cushion and said "Merry Christmas" nine times in 15 seconds while dressed as Santa Claus.

01:23 United States

Most Times Slam Dunking A Doritos Bag On A Trampoline In 30 Seconds


Sonny P. slam dunked a Doritos bag 43 times in 30 seconds on a trampoline. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.

01:16 The Internet

Most Times Slapped In Face In One Minute

Lawson Clarke

Lawson Clarke bravely takes 46 slaps to the face in one minute, a new world record. He insisted beforehand that no one wear jewelery on their hand while slapping, and no one slap him in the ear. The record was set on May 20, 2009 at a World Record Appreciation Society[] event in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present to witness the feat and count the slaps. [#WRAS06][] tag:RecordSetterBook01

00:29 Netherlands

Most Times Slapping A Couch In 30 Seconds

Yannick Hoff

Yannick H. slapped a couch 382 times in 30 seconds.

00:10 The Internet

Most Times Slapping Someone In The Face In Five Seconds


Eli slapped his friend in the face 42 times in five seconds.

01:06 United States

Most Times Slapping Someone In The Face In One Minute

Sam Koch

Sam K. slapped his friend in the face 645 times in one minute.

04:51 The Internet

Most Times Smiling While Listening To "Beat It"


Drew smiled 543 times while listening to Beat It.

01:16 The Internet

Most Times Snapping Bra Worn By A Man In One Minute

Team Light Green

Ben Carter of Wieden Kennedy’s Team Light Green had the bra he was wearing snapped 152 times in one minute by his teammate. The record was set in Portland, Oregon on April 1, 2010 at the agency’s 28th annual Founders’ Dayparty.RecordSetter co-foundersDan Rollman and Corey Henderson were on hand to preside over the event. [#FD28][]


Most Times Spelling "PONYTAILS" In A Shower In 30 Seconds

Shayna Halliwell

Shayna Halliwell spelled the word “PONYTAILS” 20 times in 30 seconds while standing in a shower, a new world record. She achieved the feat at the 2011 Sasquatch Music Festival in George, Washington. The record was set inside got2b’s World’s Biggest Shower[], a featured festival attraction. [#SMF01][]

01:15 Slovakia

Most Times Spinning A Clothes Hanger On Thumb In One Minute

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik spun a clothes hanger on his thumb 303 times in one minute.

00:38 India

Most Times Spinning A Pair Of Scissors On Index Finger In 30 Seconds

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur spun a pair of scissors on his index finger 182 times in 30 seconds.

01:28 United States

Most Times Spitting Table Tennis Ball At Wall And Catching In In Mouth In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey spat a table tennis ball at a wall and caught it with his mouth 12 times in one minute. Spits in which he didn’t successfully catch it weren’t counted.

00:30 United States

Most Times Spitting Table Tennis Ball At Wall And Catching It In Mouth In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed eight catches of a table tennis ball in his mouth after spitting it off a wall in 30 seconds.

01:12 United States

Most Times Squeezing A Mushabelly In One Minute

Brian Stevens

Brian Stevens squeezed his Mushabelly stuffed animal 241 times in one minute. Only squeezes that made squeaks were counted.

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