7868 Records Found
Most Strangers Hugged By Four People In A Mall
Greg Huxen
Most Strangers Hugged In 30 Seconds On One's Birthday
Alessia S.
Most Strangers Marker Mustached In 30 Seconds
Thomas Buchanan
Most Strangers Photographed In One Minute
Fil B
Most Strangers Signing A T-Shirt In One Hour
Chloé Hooker
Most Strawberries Eaten By An Eight-Year-Old In One Minute
Rian Gibson
Most Strawberries Fit In Open Mouth In 25 Seconds
Hayden Berry
Most Strawberries Squashed With A Skateboard In 10 Seconds
Most Straws Fit In Mouth At Once
Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya
Most Straws Fit In Mouth While Riding A Bicycle
William Draycott
Most Straws Fit Into Nostrils
Suresh Gaur
Most Straws Picked Up And Held In Hand In 30 Seconds
Most Streamers Attached To A Real-Life Nyan Cat
Skaidris Gunsmith
Most Street Cones Kicked Over In 30 Seconds By A Three-Year-Old
Luke Taylor
Most Street Hockey Shots In One Day
Ashley Moreland
Most Stress Ball Bounces On A Mint Container
Vito O.
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