Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:02 United States

Most Consecutive Dribbles Of Two Basketballs Off Of The Side Of A Building Simultaneously In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey dribbled two basketballs off of the side of a building 145 times in one minute.

00:34 United States

Most Consecutive Dribbles Of A Basketball Off Of The Side Of A Building While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On Paddle In Other Hand Simultaneously

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey dribbled a basketball off of the side of a building 63 consecutive times in 30 seconds while simultaneously bouncing a table tennis ball on a paddle in the other hand.

00:48 United States

Most Times Kissing Wife's Hand In 30 Seconds

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey kissed Crystal Pelphrey’s hand 111 times in 30 seconds.

00:39 United States

Most Times To Tell Wife "I Love You" In 15 Seconds

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey told Crystal Pelphrey “I love you.” 32 times in 15 seconds.

00:56 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of Three Baseballs Off Of The Side Of A Building From Three Feet Away

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced three baseballs off of the side of a building seven consecutive times from three feet away.

01:54 United States

Most Catches Of Two Baseballs Tossed Against A Building Using A Fishing Dip Net From Six Feet Away On A Rola Bola In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey caught two baseballs bounced off of the side of a building six feet away using a fishing dip net while standing on a rola bola[] 18 times in 30 seconds.

01:44 United States

Most Catches Of Two Baseballs Tossed Against A Building Using A Fishing Dip Net From Six Feet Away In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey caught two baseballs tossed against a building using a fishing dip net from six feet away 20 times in 30 seconds.

01:46 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of Three Baseballs In A Shower Pattern Off Of The Side Of A Building Three Feet Away While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced three baseballs in a shower pattern off of the side of a building 87 consecutive times from three feet away while on a rola bola.

02:19 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of Three Basketballs Off Of The Side Of A Building Three Feet Away

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced three basketballs off of a side of a building 161 consecutive times from three feet away.

01:25 United States

Most Consecutive One-Handed Bounces Of Two Basketballs Off Of The Side Of A Building Three Feet Away While Dribbling A Basketball In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey used a single hand to bounce two basketballs against a building three feet away 34 times while dribbling another basketball with his other hand.

00:48 United States

Most Baseballs Juggled Off The Side Of A Building

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled six baseballs off of a building.

00:58 United States

Most Consecutive One-Handed Bounces Of Two Baseballs Off Of The Side Of A Building While Standing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey used one hand to bounce two baseballs off of the side of a building 56 consecutive times from three feet away while on a rola bola[].

01:19 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of Three Basketballs Off Of The Side Of A Building Three Feet Away While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced three basketballs off of a side of a building 96 consecutive times from three feet away while on a rola bola.

01:01 United States

Most Bounces Of Two Baseballs Off Of A Building Into A Hat In 30 Seconds While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced two baseballs off of a building three feet away into a hat 27 times in 30 seconds while on a rola bola.


Most Catches Of A Baseball Bounced Off Side Of Building By Wife By A Husband With A Fishing Dip Net In One Minute

Crystal and Andy Pelphrey

Crystal Pelphrey bounced a baseball off of the side of a building while her husband, Andy Pelphrey, caught it in a fishing dip net 15 times in one minute.


Most Spit-Takes In A One Minute Comedy Sketch

New Excitement

New Excitement’s one minute comedy sketch included 32 spit-takes, a new comedic world record. They set the record at a RecordSetter LIVE! event at UCB Theater in New York City.

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