Most World Records

7868 Records Found

05:38 United States

Longest Time Juggle Three Flaming Torches While Wearing A Fake Mustache

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled three flaming torches for three minutes, 55.47 seconds while wearing a fake mustache. The timer stopped when Pankey stopped juggling, not when the flames went out.

02:13 United States

Most Portraits Of Strangers Drawn Ambidextrously In Two Minutes

Edmond Hawkins

ArtistEdmond Hawkins drew 11 portraits of strangers using both his left and right hand in two minutes. Hawkins set the record at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS15][]

01:10 United States

Most Fridge Magnets Attached To A Ford

Jack Raleigh

Jack Raleigh and his team placed 4,942 magnets on the exterior of his Ford Fusion. The team set the record as part of Fusion 41, a URDB World Record Challenge created by the Ford Motor Company.

00:26 The Internet

Most Times Punching A Relative Of Sarah Palin

Keoki McCarthy

Keoki McCarthy punched Sarah Palin’s cousin Jon Morgan 39 times. Morgan’s mother is Sarah Palin’s aunt.

01:16 The Internet

Most Times Snapping Bra Worn By A Man In One Minute

Team Light Green

Ben Carter of Wieden Kennedy’s Team Light Green had the bra he was wearing snapped 152 times in one minute by his teammate. The record was set in Portland, Oregon on April 1, 2010 at the agency’s 28th annual Founders’ Dayparty.RecordSetter co-foundersDan Rollman and Corey Henderson were on hand to preside over the event. [#FD28][]

00:45 United States

Most Times Reciting "Nama-Mugi Nama-Gome Nama-Tamago" In 30 Seconds

Philip Cotsford

Philip Cotsford recited the Japanese tongue twister "Nama-mugi nama-gome nama-tamago[]“18 times in 30 seconds. The saying translates in English to”Raw wheat, raw rice, raw egg." The record was set at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS14][]

04:27 The Internet

Most Polo Mints Fit Inside A Closed Mouth

Gregor Philp

Gregor Philp placed 43 Polo Mints inside his closed mouth. NOTE: Stuffing food in your mouth can be dangerous. Please use caution and have adult supervision on hand.

14:08 United States

Most Toy Cars Fit Inside A Pair Of Pants Worn By A 6-Year-Old

Eli Cullen

6-year-old Eli Cullen had 140 toy cars placed in his pants while wearing them. tag:RecordSetterBook01

01:38 United States

Most Indie Hip Hop Albums Released In One Year

Derek Simmons

Derek Simmons, who releases albums under the alias of Force One Networkz[], has recorded and released 17 indie hip hop albums so far in 2009. He has three more scheduled for release before the end of the year.

01:58 United States

Most News Team Members Dressed On-Air In Halloween Costumes

WCNC News Team

11 members of the WCNC news team in Charlotte, North Carolina wore Halloween costumes live on the air the morning of October 30, 2009. Costumes included a bus driver, Elvis Presley, Hello Helen, Mack Mullet, Flash Lightning, Count Sprinkula, Larry Lemon, Sonny, Cher, and Marilyn Monroe.

01:36 United States

Most Radio Listeners To Call In And Say "Tiger Woods" In One Minute


Radio DJ Kobe had 15 radio listeners call in and say "Tiger Woods" in one minute. He set the record live on-air during his afternoon radio show on B94 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

00:35 The Internet

Most Consecutive Push-Ups On Top Of The Continental Divide

Chris Sacca

Chris Sacca completed 25 consecutive push-ups while straddling the Continental Divide, a World Record. He completed the feat outside Pagosa Springs, Colorado, part way through a cross country bike ride.

02:09 United States

Most Binder Clips Put In Hair In 30 Seconds

Lily Young

Lily Young and two friends placed 19 binder clips in her hair in 30 seconds.

00:59 United States

Most Connect Four Pieces Held In Hand At Once

Constantine Markides

Constantine Markides held 76 Connect Four pieces in his hand at one time. The record was set on November 24, 2009 during a Connect Four Tournament at the The Bell House in Brooklyn, New York. Dan Rollman and Rob Birdsong were on hand to witness and time the feat.

21:20 United States

Most Watermelons Driven Through A Car Wash

Dianna Gunn

Dianna Gunn drove 455 watermelons through a car wash in her 2010 Ford Fusion[]. Gunn set the record as part of Fusion 41, a URDB World Record Challenge created by the Ford Motor Company. tag:RecordSetterBook01

00:48 United States

Most Slices Of Cheese Placed On Face While Standing On One Leg And Wearing A Michigan T-Shirt

Kary Kull

Kary Kull placed seven slices of cheese to his face while standing on one leg and wearing a Michigan t-shirt.

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