7868 Records Found

Most Cards Dealt To The Top Of A Stack Of Five Coins Atop The Deck
Suresh Gaur

Most Consecutive Straight Arm Push-Ups
Adel Khalil

Most 180 Turns On A Skateboard In 30 Seconds

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 101-Pound Keg
Clint Poore

Most Frisbee Toss Clap Catches While Standing On A Slackline
Tai Star

Most Consecutive Hand Loops With A Die
Tai Star

Most Successful Basketball Free Throws In One Minute While Two People Are Playing Rock-Paper-Scissors
Justin Edelman

Most Hoop Jumps In Two Minutes While Riding An Inflatable Toy Donkey And Dressed In A Flared Three-Piece Suit
Berg 121

Most Cards Dealt With Five Coins Stacked Atop The Deck While Performing A Headstand
Suresh Gaur

Most Toothpicks Inserted In A Stretched Earlobe
Sandi Cummings

Most Times Sucking Condom Through Nose In One Minute
kevin gitsham

Fastest Time To Deal A Deck Of Cards With A Pawn Standing On The Deck
Suresh Gaur

Most Names Given To A Big Toe In 30 Seconds

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling Two Pineapples With One Hand
Ewan Clementson

Most Two-Handed 110-Pound Dumbbell Hammer Curls
Manuel herlo

Most Waves At A Computer Camera In 30 Seconds
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