Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:49 United States

Most Ottoman Bench Presses In 30 Seconds

Justin Kay

Justin Kay bench pressed an ottoman 63 times in 30 seconds, a new world record. He performed the feat on June 28, 2009 in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Brian Justie was present as a witness.

04:18 Australia

Most Socks Put On A Left Foot While Listening To 'Beat It'

Nat Locke

Nat, a radio DJ at Nova 93.7 in Perth, Australia, put 57 socks on her left foot while listening to ’Beat It’, a new world record. Nat performed the feat live on his Nathan and Nat with Shaun McManus[] radio show on June 27, 2009. Nick Daly was present as a witness. tag:RecordSetterBook01

00:43 Australia

Most Times Wrapping Tape Around Hand In 30 Seconds

Peter Craig

Peter Craig wrapped tape around his hand 51 times in 30 seconds. This record was one of 14 records Craigbroke while setting the record for Most URDB World Records Broken In 10 Minutes.

00:46 The Internet

Most Snail/Turkey Hand Gestures In 30 Seconds

Stephanie Kong

Stephanie and Jonathan completed 52 snail-turkey hand gestures in 30 seconds. Each snail/turkey combo was counted as one gesture.

01:00 The Internet

Most Eggs Thrown At One Person In Ten Seconds

Schacht Elf

Schacht Elf had 34 eggs thrown at him in 10 seconds.

02:31 The Internet

Most Tweets Sent To @MCHammer In One Minute Using A Cell Phone

Bart Winkler

Bart Winkler sent seven tweets to MC Hammer in one minute using his cell phone.

01:04 United States

Most Tandem Single-Rope Jumps In One Minute

Sean Goldsmith

Sean Goldsmith and Doug Williams completed 132 tandem jump ropes in one minute.

01:45 The Internet

Most Goldfish Crackers Chicken Pecked Off A Table In One Minute

Steve Fester

Steve Fester chicken pecked 50 goldfish crackers off a table in one minute. Goldfish that fell on the ground were not counted.

01:15 United States

Most Grapes Smushed With Hands In One Minute

Wyatt Accardi

Wyatt Accardi smushed 63 grapes with his hands in one minute, a new world record. To get an accurate count, 81 grapes were counted beforehand. When the minute was complete, 18 unsmushed grapes remained. Accardi performed the feat on April 4, 2009 at the first annual Brooklyn World Record Day in Brooklyn, New York. The event was held by URDB in conjunction with Beam Camp. Corey Henderson was present as a witness. #BWRD01 tag:RecordSetterBook01

01:12 United States

Most Booty Shakes In One Minute

Lola Vescovo

Lola Vescovo shook her booty 92 times in one minute, a new world record. Each booty shake was measured as “one shake of the booty back and forth to its original position.” Vescovo shook it on April 4, 2009 at the first annual Brooklyn World Record Day in Brooklyn, New York. The event was held by URDB in conjunction with Beam Camp. Corey Henderson and Dan Rollman were present to witness the feat. #BWRD01

02:16 The Internet

Most Surfers Dressed As Santa Claus

George Trosset

George Trosset and 18 of his friends dressed in Santa Claus outfits and went surfing in the Atlantic Ocean.

01:24 United States

Most Consecutive Golf Ball Bounces On Alternating Sides Of A Rubber Mallet While Dribbling A Basketball On Knees

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a golf ball 185 times on alternating sides of a rubber mallet while dribbling a basketball. He completed the entire feat while on his knees.

01:03 United States

Most Charlier Cuts In One Minute While Spinning A Pillow On One Finger

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 46 Charlier Cuts in one minute while spinning a pillow on one finger.

12:05 United States

Most Charlier Cuts While Spinning Pillow On One Finger

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 415 consecutive Charlier Cuts while spinning a pillow on one finger of his other hand.

05:29 United States

Most Consecutive Pillow Throws While Spinning A Pillow On One Finger

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey threw and caught a pillow 114 times consecutively while spinning that pillow on one finger.

02:51 United States

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Table Tennis Paddle While Spinning Pillow On Finger

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a table tennis ball 413 times on a table tennis paddle while spinning a pillow with one finger of his other hand.

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