Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:04 Spain

Most Times Getting On And Off A Bicycle In One Minute

David Jimenez

David Jimenez got on and off of a bicycle 27 times in one minute.

00:11 The Internet

Most Between-The-Legs Passes Of A Tennis Ball In 10 Seconds


Jake passed a tennis ball between his legs 31 times in 10 seconds.

04:34 United States

Most Wii Game Cases Balanced On Head

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced 29 Nintendo Wii game cases on his head.

03:12 Canada

Most Towels Balanced On Head

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced 18 folded towels on his head.

01:00 United States

Most Coin Rolls With A Silver Dollar In One Minute While Palm Spinning Three Fushigi Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 32 consecutive coin rolls with a silver dollar in one minute while simultaneously palm spinning three Fushigi balls in his other hand.

09:04 Canada

Most Golf Balls Balanced On Head

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced five golf balls on his face.

00:43 Australia

Most Kinder Egg Toys Displayed On A Desk

Marcus Brims

Marcus B. displayed 87 Kinder Egg toys on a desk.

03:38 United States

Most Socks Put On By Two People In One Minute

jacob britt

Jacob and his friend put on a total of 45 socks in one minute.

01:21 United States

Most Strings Of Beads Thrown Around Someone's Neck From A Balcony In One Minute

George Morse

George Morse threw four beads around his friend’s neck from a balcony in one minute.

United States

Most Catches While Juggling 10 Balls

Cirque Colour

Cirque Colour completed 26 catches while juggling 10 balls.

01:04 United States

Most Consecutive "Cold Fusions" With A Myachi In One Minute

Aaron Davies

Aaron Davies performed 184 consecutive “Cold Fusions” with a Myachi in one minute. He performed a total of 187 but the last three attempts did not fall inside within the one-minute mark.

00:11 United States

Most "Matrix Unleashed" Exchanges With Myachis

Luke Rodgers

Luke Rodgers performed 23 “Matrix Unleashed” exchanges using two Myachis.

00:32 United States

Most Behind-The-Back Tosses In 30 Seconds While Juggling Three Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 13 behind-the-back tosses in 30 seconds while juggling three balls.

02:49 United States

Tallest Dice Tower On A Carpet

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked 16 dice on top of each other.

01:16 India

Most Recitations Of The Symbols Of The Periodic Table In One Minute

Poorvie Choudhary

Poorvie Choudhary recited all of the symbols from the periodic table of the elements five times in one minute.

02:12 France

Most Consecutive One-Armed Push-Ups On Knuckles On Wooden Floor

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. performed 100 consecutive one-armed push-ups on his knuckles.

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