Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:21 The Internet

Most Full Back Flips On A Trampoline In 15 Seconds

Ryan Helgason

Ryan H. performed 17 back flips on a trampoline in 15 seconds.

01:01 United States

Most Successful Top-Of-Head Rolls While Walking Down Four Flights Of Stairs In Under One Minute

Tony Duncan

Tony Duncan completed 24 successful top-of-head rolls in under one minute while walking down four flights of stairs.

00:38 United States

Most Nose Flares In 15 Seconds

Alex Kaltakis

Alex K. flared his nostrils 65 times in 15 seconds.

47:47 India

Most People To Rappel Down A 400-Foot Waterfall

Acap Hyd

A 14-member team from the Adventure Club of Andhra Pradesh (ACAP) rappelled at the 400-foot high Katika Waterfall in Visakhapatnam, India. They set the record to promote their adventure and tourism campaign. Read more about the feat here. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

04:47 United States

Most Total Body Exercise Records Set In Seven Consecutive Days

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber set 22 total body exercise records up to one hour long in a seven-day period.

03:05 The Internet

Most Single Person Waboba Flyer Volleys

Justin Thorngate

Justin T. completed 248 solo Waboba Flyer volleys.

01:15 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A Yamaha XT 350-CC Motorcycle

Omega Force

JT Hall bench pressed a Yamaha XT 350-cc motorcycle 26 times. He set the record during the Arnold Classic Sports Festival and Expo in Columbus, Ohio. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

00:38 United States

Most Perfect Push-Ups With 225-Pound Weight On Back

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed five perfect push-ups while carrying a 225-pound weight on his back.

00:7 United States

Most Badminton Rackets Juggled

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled five badminton rackets.

01:02 United States

Most Consecutive Chin-Ups With 40% Of One's Body Weight Held Between Feet

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 10 consecutive chin-ups with 40% of her body weight held between her feet.

01:41 Sweden

Most 50-Pound Left-Arm Dumbbell Presses In One Minute

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund performed 49 left-arm dumbbell presses in one minute using a 50-pound weight.

07:28 United States

Most Variations Of One Leg Burpee Pushup Records Set in 30 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed three unique one leg burpee pushup records within 30 minutes including most one leg burpee pushups in one minute, most one leg burpee and opposite one arm pushups with jump and end clap in one minute, and most one leg burpee pushups in two minutes with alternating legs.

00:50 United States

Most 45-Pound Olympic Barbell Curls In 15 Seconds

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. completed 25 Olympic barbell curls in 15 seconds using a 45-pound Olympic barbell.

01:49 Sweden

Most Bounces Of A Tennis Ball On A Golf Club

Hugo Jareteg

Hugo J. completed 242 consecutive bounces of a tennis ball on a golf club.

01:04 United States

Most Gummy Bears In Mouth While Saying The American Pledge Of Allegiance

Austin Nevill

Austin Nevill stuffed 55 Gummy bears in his mouth, then said the Pledge of Alliance to the American Flag. NOTE: Stuffing food into your mouth is dangerous and presents a choking hazard. Please use caution and have assistance on hand when attempting this record.

01:04 Spain

Most Times Getting On And Off A Bicycle In One Minute

David Jimenez

David Jimenez got on and off of a bicycle 27 times in one minute.

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