Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:17 United States

Most Beanbag Chairs Juggled While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled three beanbag chairs while balancing on a rola bola. He set the record to celebrate World Juggling Day. #WorldJugglingDay2012

01:26 United States

Most Consecutive Days Without Wearing Same Tie Twice

JW Erie

JW Erie wore different neck ties every day for 365 days. See his entire collection here.

00:20 India

Most Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received six Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) certificates.

00:6 India

Most Brainbench Master Level Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 10 Master Level certificates from Brainbench.

01:59 United States

Most Blueberries Eaten In One Minute

Travis Mizejewski

Travis Mizejewski ate 177 blueberries in one minute. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:12 India

Most Microsoft SQL Server Database-Related Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 23 Microsoft SQL Server Database-related certificates.

00:6 India

Most Brainbench Microsoft Word Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 11 Microsoft Word-related certificates from

00:9 India

Most Brainbench Microsoft SQL Server Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 15 Microsoft SQL Server certificates from Brainbench.

00:26 India

Most Microsoft Technologies Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 137 Microsoft Technologies certificates.

00:4 India

Most Brainbench Programming Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 10 Programming certificates from Brainbench.

00:10 India

Most Administrator Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 18 administrator certificates.

00:05 India

Most Brainbench US Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 14 US certificates from Brainbench.

00:05 India

Most Unix-Related Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 21 Unix-related certificates.

00:4 India

Most Linux Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received eight Linux certificates.

00:1 India

Most Brainbench Visio Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received two Brainbench Visio certificates.

00:2 India

Most Brainbench Unix Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received five Brainbench Unix certificates.

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