Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

03:02 India

Longest Time To Spin Two Toothbrushes On Fingers While On A Rola Bola

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur spun two toothbrushes on his fingers while on a rola bola for two minutes and 34.5 seconds.

03:59 United States

Longest Time To Spin Two Toothbrushes While Saying "You Talkin' to Me?"

Brian Pankey

01:32 United States

Longest Time To Spit A Table Tennis Ball Into the Air And Catch It In The Mouth

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey spit a table tennis ball out of his mouth and caught it back in his mouth in 2.11 seconds.

00:56 The Internet

Longest Time To Stand On A ChapStick Case On One Foot

David Dargay

David Dargay stood on a ChapStick case on one foot for 7.19 seconds.

05:27 The Internet

Longest Time To Stand On A Fallen Tree

David Dargay

David Dargay balanced on a broken tree branch for five minutes, 0.20 seconds.

29:05 The Internet

Longest Time To Stand On One Foot On A Fallen Tree

Matt Parsons

Matt P. stood on one foot on a fallen tree for 28 minutes, 47.40 seconds.

01:22 United States

Longest Time To Stand On One Foot While Playing An iPhone Game

iD Tech Camps Villanova University

Two student campers from iD Tech Camps Villanova University stood on one foot while playing an iPhone game for 40 minutes, 4.00seconds. [#iDTech][]


Longest Time To Stand Straight On Someone's Shoulders

Kyle Nisson

Kyle Nisson stood straight on Mark Clementson's shoulders for four minutes, 56.91 seconds.

05:01 United States

Longest Time To Stare At A Flashlight

The Chillax0rz

Blake Geib stared at a flashlight for two minutes, 11.18 seconds. NOTE: Staring into any bright light can be harmful to the eyes. Please use caution.

26:12 Hungary

Longest Time To Stare At A Stuffed Animal

András Szabolcsi

András S. stared at his stuffed animal for 25 minutes, 45.00 seconds.

26:32 Canada

Longest Time To Stay In A Public Steam Room

Darryl Learie

Darryl Leariestayed in a public steam room for 25 minutes and 15.03 seconds. NOTE: This record can be dangerous to attempt. Please have assistance on hand when attempting this record.

03:04 India

Longest Time To Stay In An Ice Coffin

Ankur Singh

Ankur Singh stayed inside an ice coffin for two hours, 15.00 minutes. NOTE: This record is dangerous. Please use caution when making an attempt.

00:59 Canada

Longest Time To Support Body Weight On Fingertips

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie used his fingertips on a concrete surface to lift his entire body for 33.95 seconds.

00:18 United States

Longest Time To Support Body Weight On Two Fingers And Two Thumbs

Corey Sandefur

Corey S. supported his body weight using his two index fingers and two thumbs without touching the ground in 10.32 seconds.

01:28 United States

Longest Time To Support Body With Arms While Extending Legs Horizontally

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber supported her body with her arms for one minute, 27.69 seconds while extending her legs horizontally.

03:53 The Internet

Longest Time To Touch The Windshield Of A Ferrari

Andy Maese

Andy Maese touched the windshield of a Ferrari for three minutes, 38.94 seconds.

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