Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

02:48 India

Longest Time Moving A Lightweight Cricket Ball Around Top Of Head

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. moved a lightweight cricket ball around the top of his head for one minute, 52.15 seconds.

00:47 The Internet

Longest Time On A Stop Watch

Matt Niman

Matt N. timed 29,564 hours and 50 minutes (1,773,890 minutes) on a stop watch.

00:14 Germany

Longest Time Performing One-Handed Devil Stick Rotations While Juggling Four Balls

Lukas Reichenbach

Lukas R. performed one-handed devil stick rotations for 4.25 seconds while juggling four balls.

03:21 India

Longest Time Picking A Guitar While Balancing It On Chin

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur picked a guitar for two minutes, 16.44 seconds while balancing it on his chin.

01:13 United States

Longest Time Placing Hand On A Candle Flame


Mr. Corvo placed his hand on a candle flame for one minute, 7.59 seconds. WARNING: This record can be dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:12 United States

Longest Time Planking In Front Of An Audience


A total of 23 students planked in front of an audience of more than 100 people for 41.01 seconds.

05:29 United States

Longest Time Playing "Flappy Bird" While Holding A Lotus Pose

Caroline Savage

Caroline S. played Flappy Bird for five minutes, 3.54 seconds while holding a lotus pose.

03:07 The Internet

Longest Time Playing A Clarinet While Upside Down

Caitlin Atwood

Caitlin A. played a clarinet for two minutes, 17.03 seconds while upside down.

00:55 United States

Longest Time Playing A Conga Drum With A Hacky Sack On Head While Balancing On An Exercise Ball

Tai Star

Tai Star played conga drum for 20.22 seconds with a hacky sack on his head while balancing on an exercise ball.

01:52 United States

Longest Time Playing A Djembe Drum While Balancing On An Exercise Ball With A Hacky Sack Balanced On Head

Tai Star

Tai Star played a djembe drum for one minute, 3.63 seconds while balancing on an exercise ball and balancing a hacky sack on his head.

02:01 Canada

Longest Time Playing A Fiddle While Someone Balances Two Toy Dancers On Top Of A Pole On Chin

Katie Mcilvena

Katie played a fiddle for 55.66 seconds while Doug McManaman balanced two toy dancers on top of a pole on his chin.

06:10 India

Longest Time Playing A Flute With Nose

Soham Mukhopadhyay

Soham Mukhopadhyay played a flute with his nose for six minutes, 9.00 seconds.

01:19 United States

Longest Time Playing A Melodica While Balancing On A Slackline

Tai Star

Tai Star played a melodica for one minute, 16.40 seconds while balancing on a slackline.

30:23 India

Longest Time Playing A Melodica With Nose

Soham Mukhopadhyay

Soham Mukhopadhyay played a melodica with one nostril for 30 minutes, 22.00 seconds.

01:45 The Internet

Longest Time Playing Acoustic Guitar While Holding A Basketball In Each Arm And Sitting On A Bike Rack

Taylor Cross

Taylor Cross played an acoustic guitar for one minute, 12.31 seconds while holding basketballs under each arm and sitting on a bike rack.

05:44 India

Longest Time Playing An Electric Guitar With Teeth

Raktim khound

Raktim Khound played an electric guitar with his teeth for five minutes, 40.22 seconds.

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