Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

03:33 United States

Longest Time Juggling Two Hula Hoops In One Hand

Kyle Johnson

Kyle J. juggled two hula hoops in one hand for three minutes, 25.87 seconds.

04:07 New Zealand

Longest Time Juggling Two Kiwi Fruits With One Hand

Chris Paterson

Chris P. juggled two kiwi fruits with one hand for three minutes, 56.28 seconds.

01:10 New Zealand

Longest Time Juggling Two Snickers Bars With One Hand

Chris Paterson

Chris P. juggled two Snickers bars using his right hand for one minute, 1.42 seconds.

01:08 United States

Longest Time Juggling Two Two-Pound Balls In One Hand While Hula Hooping While Someone Else Juggles Two Two-Pound Balls In One Hand


Pete Moyer juggled two two-pound balls in one hand for one minute, 3.03 seconds while Spencer Renfro juggled two two-pound balls in one hand.

00:36 United States

Longest Time Juggling Two Two-Pound Balls While Manipulating A Devil Stick


Pete Moyer juggled two two-pound balls for 15.44 seconds while manipulating a devil stick.

02:34 Finland

Longest Time Juggling Two Wiffle Balls In One Hand

robin hagner

Robin H. juggled two wiffle balls in one hand for two minutes, 20.66 seconds.

03:20 United States

Longest Time Juggling While Hula Hooping Using Two Hula Hoops


Pete Moyer juggled while hula hooping using two hula hoops for three minutes, 2.64 seconds.

01:30:36 Northern Ireland

Longest Time Jumping On A Trampoline

Sean and Diona

Sean Hegarty and Diona Doherty of Sunday Life and Stuart Scott of We Are Vertigo jumped on trampolines for one hour, 30 minutes.

08:07 The Internet

Longest Time Jumping On A Trampoline With A Dog

Philip Kopf

Philip jumped on a trampoline with his family dog for eight minutes, 3.63 seconds.

01:32 United States

Longest Time Jumping Rope While Wearing A Headcrab Hat

Debra Emory

Debra E. jumped rope for 26.73 seconds while wearing a headcrab hat.

04:14 India

Longest Time Jumping While Balancing Hacky Sack On Back Of Hand

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur jumped for three minutes, 50.48 seconds while balancing a hacky sack on the back of his hand.

05:20 Slovakia

Longest Time Jumping While Holding A Shoe With Mouth

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik jumped for five minutes, 0.53 second while holding a shoe with his mouth.

04:37 United States

Longest Time Jumping While Throwing A Hacky Sack In The Air

Matt Law

Matt L. jumped for four minutes, 33.94 seconds while throwing a hacky sack in the air.

00:43 United States

Longest Time Jumping While Wearing A Tie And A Sweatpants

hunter stanley

Hunter S. jumped for 15.85 seconds while wearing a tie and a sweatpants.

04:22 The Internet

Longest Time Keeping A Duct Tape Hacky Sack Aloft

Ken Somolinos

Ken Somolinos kept a duct tape hacky sack aloft for 52.75 seconds. Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will. General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.

14:10 The Internet

Longest Time Keeping A Facial Tissue Afloat

Chris Bechyne

Chris and his friends kept a facial tissue afloat in the air for 13 minutes, 46.12 seconds.

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