Kids World Records

402 Records Found

00:27 United States

Fastest 50-Foot Dash While Wearing An Egyptian Costume

Nigel Henderson

Nigel Henderson completed a 50-foot dash in 4.25 seconds while wearing an Egyptian costume.

00:38 The Internet

Fastest 6-6 Speed Stacking While Wearing Two Pairs Of Headphones Around Neck

Chase Galley

Chase G. performed a 6-6 speed stacking pattern in 2.76 seconds while wearing two pairs of headphones around his neck.

00:30 United States

Fastest Backwards Recitation Of The English Alphabet While Jumping Rope

kaida nybong

Kaida N. recited the English alphabet backwards in 5.79 seconds while jumping rope.

00:26 United States

Fastest Completion Of 20 Stationary Cartwheels

Kaylee Wallach

Kaylee W. completed 20 stationary cartwheels in 19.96 seconds.

00:37 United States

Fastest Completion Of 28 Cartwheels


Leah completed 28 cartwheels in 35.84 seconds.

00:7 England

Fastest Completion Of Five Cartwheels

Vaughan Pullen

Vaughan's son completed five cartwheels in exactly 4.00 seconds.

01:30 Australia

Fastest Rendition Of "I'm Not The Only One" By Sam Smith


Demythrate sang I'm Not The Only One by Sam Smith in 29.37 seconds.

00:20 The Internet

Fastest Seven-Foot Card Throw By A 12-Year-Old

Nicholas Horzewski

12-year-old Nicholas H. threw a card at 64 mph from seven feet away. He used the Radar Gun mobile app to measure the speed.

05:03 The Internet

Fastest Time For A 2.5-Year-Old To Identify All Countries In A World Map

Vihaan Chamala

2.5-year-old Vihaan Chamala identified all countries in a world map in four minutes, 42.56 seconds.

00:29 United States

Fastest Time For A 7-Year-Old To Read "Psalm 23"

Ian McGehee

Ian M. read Psalm 23 in 22.26 seconds. He is seven years old.

00:25 The Internet

Fastest Time For A 7-Year-Old To Recite The Helping Verbs Of American Standard English

Cody Ransom

Cody R. recited all 23 American English helping verbs, also known as auxiliary verbs, in 5.94 seconds. He is seven years old.

01:30 Sri Lanka

Fastest Time For A Five-Year-Old To Recite The Periodic Table Of Elements

Indrajith Prabaswara

Indrajith P. recited the periodic table of elements in 58.60 seconds. He is five years old.

00:49 The Internet

Fastest Time For A Five-Year-Old To Ride A Toy Skateboard 50 Feet


Olivia rode a toy skateboard 50 feet in 7.20 seconds. She is five years old.

05:12 India

Fastest Time For A Four-Year-Old To Name All 196 Country Capitals


Eshaani R. named 196 capitals of different countries in five minutes, 5.97 seconds. She is four years old.

00:09 England

Fastest Time For A Four-Year-Old To Name The Six Main Characters in "Frozen"

Aimee Cowlin

Chris' daughter named the six main characters in Frozen in 6.53 seconds. She is four years old.

00:32 United States

Fastest Time For A Seven-Year-Old To Solve A Horseshoe Puzzle

Bill Kennedy

Bill's son, Harley, solved a horseshoe puzzle in 2.02 seconds. He is seven years old.

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