Hit World Records

38 Records Found

07:13 The Internet

Longest Three-Person Table Tennis Rally

Dunn Loring

Dunn and his friends passed a table tennis ball 697 times between one another.

00:49 Slovakia

Most Balloon Volleys Between Two People In 30 Seconds Using Table Tennis Paddles

Pavol Durdik

Pavol and Peter volleyed a balloon using table tennis paddles 112 times in 30 seconds.

01:24 Slovakia

Most Balloon Volleys Between Two People In One Minute Using Table Tennis Paddles

Peter Durdik

Peter and Pavol volleyed a balloon 193 times in one minute using table tennis paddles.

01:50 United States

Most Baseball Hits Using SKLZ Hit-A-Way Baseball Swing Trainer (Junior)

Benjamin Dalton

Benjamin D. hit a baseball 34 times using a SKLZ Hit-A-Way baseball swing trainer. He is 10 years old.

00:14 England

Most Consecutive Hacky Sack Hits Using A Toilet Paper Roll


Nick hit a hacky sack 20 times using a toilet paper roll.

00:31 The Internet

Most Consecutive Rally Hits On One Side Of A Table Tennis Table In 20 Seconds

Matt Parsons

Matt P. completed 56 consecutive rally hits on one side of a table tennis table in 20 seconds.

11:51 United States

Most Consecutive Rally Hits On One Side Of A Table Tennis Table While Alternating Paddles


Cade K. completed 733 consecutive rally hits on a single side of a table tennis table while alternating from one paddle to another.

00:44 The Internet

Most Consecutive Rally Hits With A Jumbo Badminton Set

Jeremy Drake

Jeremy Drake and his friend completed 31 rally hits with a jumbo badminton set.

01:10 Slovakia

Most Consecutive Soccer Ball Crossbar Hits

Tomáš Lubelec

Tomáš Lubelec hit the crossbar on a pair of goalposts five consecutive times.

00:57 United States

Most Dodgeball Hits In 30 Seconds

The Club of Springville

A member of BGC Springville in Springville, New York was hit with dodgeballs 47 times in 30 seconds.

01:21 United States

Most Forehead Hits With A Lip Balm

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. hit his forehead 83 times with a lip balm.


Most Health IT Acronyms Defined By A Team In One Minute

Sarah Gornto

Sarah Gornto and her teammates, Kathryn Calderone, Ben Barnes and Brendan Boerbaitz defined 24 health information technology acronyms in one minute.

00:11 The Internet

Most Hits To Someone's Head With A Pool Noodle In 10 Seconds

Bobby Lever

Bobby L. made 33 hits to someone’s head with a pool noodle for 10 seconds.

02:18 United States

Most Opening Hits Before Playing "Sex Machine"

The RecordSetter Band

The RecordSetter Band performed 200 hits before playing "Sex Machine[]" by James Brown. The record was set at a RecordSetter LIVE! event at Meltdown Comics in Los Angeles, California. [#RSLIVE23][]

00:17 United States

Most Peanuts Hit With A Baseball Bat In 15 Seconds


Derek W. hit 10 peanuts with a baseball bat in 15 seconds.

01:24 The Internet

Most Rubber Band Hits To A Soda Can In One Minute

Ryan Keating

Ryan K. hit a soda can with a rubber band 24 times in one minute.

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