Highest World Records

1827 Records Found

01:01 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 13" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 365,180 points in Toy Blast: Level 13.

00:56 Ireland

Highest Altitude Reached Riding A Motorcycle (Female)

Míde Maher

Míde Maher rode her motorcycle to reach an altitude of 5,918 meters (19,416 feet) in Volcan Ojos del Salado, Chile. Watch more of her feat here.

00:45 United States

Highest Location To Perform A Burpee Exercise

Lloyd Weema

Lloyd W. performed burpee exercises inside the Ledge , a structure reaching 1,353 feet high, at the Willis Tower in Chicago, Illinois.

00:22 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Juice Cubes: Level 11" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 87,280 points in Juice Cubes: Level 11.

00:38 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Cut The Rope: Level 1-8" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 5,656 points in Cut the Rope: Level 1-8.

21:59 Ireland

Farthest Distance Achieved In "Curl Up And Fly" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. achieved 750,473 feet in Curl Up And Fly.

00:19 The Internet

Highest Dunk By A 12-Year-Old Using A Mini Ball

Milo Ostwald

Milo O. performed a 106.5-inch dunk using a mini ball. He is 12 years old.

00:07 United States

Highest Score In "Pepper Panic Saga: Level 5" (Online)

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. earned 258,350 points in Pepper Panic Saga: Level 5.

06:10 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Pudding Pop: Level 12" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 60,100 points in Pudding Pop: Level 12.

00:06 England

Highest Unit Of Force Earned By Performing A Martial Arts Kick On A "StrikeMate" Machine (Male Over 166 Lbs.)

Robert Mawdsley

Robert M. earned 162,720 compound units of force by performing a martial arts kick on a StrikeMate machine. His weight at the time of the attempt exceeded 166 pounds.

02:02 Ireland

Highest Score In "Sushi Cat - The Honeymoon: Level 1" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 59,500 points in Sushi Cat - The Honeymoon: Level 1.

01:27 United States

Highest Mic Drop

Adam Newman

At the conclusion of his Seeso comedy special, comedian Adam Newman dropped a mic from 7,000 feet, a RecordSetter World Record. RecordSetter official Josh Fu was present to adjudicate the attempt.

01:51 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 542" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 150,200 points in Toy Blast: Level 542.

01:50 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 12" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 329,680 points in Toy Blast: Level 12.

01:14 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 10" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 130,240 points in Toy Blast: Level 10.

02:55 Ireland

Highest Score In "Click 'Em Up!" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 256,700 points in Click 'Em Up!.

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