Fastest World Records
Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!
2591 Records Found

Fastest Freehand Lip Piercing Using An Implant Grade Stainless Steel Captive Bead Ring
Casey Wardell

Fastest Freehand Tongue Piercing With Implant Grade Stainless Barbell
Casey Wardell

Fastest Full Completion Of Wizards And Warriors Without Dying (NES)
Louis Crites

Fastest Full Head Shave

Fastest Game Of Cephalopod
Grant Fikes

Fastest Game Of Chess
Tai Star

Fastest Game Of Othello
Grant Fikes

Fastest Game Of Suicide Chess
Grant Fikes

Fastest Gryphon Roll
Kamal Aslam

Fastest Guitar Player
Nirvana Bista

Fastest Guitar Solo On Doremi Scales Per Second
Norzamri Lagenda

Fastest Gun Disarm
jim dohan

Fastest Half Marathon While Carrying A 50-Pound Weight
William Cannon

Fastest Half Marathon While Pushing A Stroller

Fastest Hamper Escape
Elijah King

Fastest Improvisational Blues On Electric Guitar
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