Fastest World Records
Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!
2591 Records Found

Fastest Time To Perform 10 One-Arm Gliding Mountain Climber Bean Bag Catches
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Perform 40 Bean Bag Catch Jump Tuck Push-Ups
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Perform 20 Bean Bag Catch Jump Tuck Push-Ups
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Consecutive Plyo Jumping Jack Push-Ups
Alicia Weber

Fastest Time To Eat 15 Taco Bell Naked Chicken Chalupas
Wayne Algenio

Fastest Time To Perform 10 Charlier Cuts And 10 Thumb Cuts
Kamal Aslam

Fastest Completion Of World 1-Tower In "New Super Mario Bros." (DS)
Harri Bubblegum

Fastest Time Solving A Rubik's Cube While Reciting The Books Of The Bible, US Presidents, And Greek Alphabet By Memory
Justin Landers

Fastest Completion Of "50 Boy Scouts Merit Badges" Quiz Game (Online)
Jameson Payne

Fastest Time To Insert All Wedges Into Six Trivial Pursuit Game Pieces
Richard Wilson

Fastest Time To Complete Level 6-3 Of "Super Mario Bros. 3" (3DS)
Vito O.

Fastest Time To Perform Five Charlier Cuts And Five Roll Cuts
Kamal Aslam

Fastest Time To Perform Five Charlier Cuts And Five Knuckle Card Cuts
Kamal Aslam

Fastest Time To Perform Five Charlier Cuts And Five Triangle Cuts
Kamal Aslam

Fastest Time To Carry A Kayak To The Summit Of Mount Snowdon
David Shortell

Fastest Completion Of World 1-3 In "New Super Mario Bros." (DS)
Harri Bubblegum
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