Fastest World Records

Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!

2591 Records Found

00:41 United States

Fastest Time To Perform 20 One-Arm Gliding Mountain Climber Bean Bag Catches

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 20 one-arm gliding mountain climber bean bag catches in 40.80 seconds.

01:06 United States

Fastest Time To Sort A Deck Of Face-Up And Face-Down Cards By Suit And Rank


April Choi sorted a deck of face-up and face-down cards by suit and rank in 18.95 seconds.

00:30 India

Fastest Time To Bounce A Five-Gallon Bucket On Alternate Sides Of Hand 50 Times

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a five-gallon bucket on alternate sides of his hand 50 times in 20.50 seconds.

01:42 United States

Fastest Time To Wrap A Person With Caution Tape

Mariah Rodriguez

Mariah R. wrapped her friend with caution tape in one minute, 17.90 seconds.

01:20 United States

Fastest Time To Perform 40 One-Arm Gliding Mountain Climber Bean Bag Catches

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 40 one-arm gliding mountain climber bean bag catches in one minute, 20.50 seconds.

08:38 India

Fastest Time Painting A Portrait Of Lord Ganesha While Riding A Bicycle

Dr. Siva Pamarthi

Siva Pamarthi painted a portrait of Lord Ganesha in 33 minutes while riding a bicycle.

01:28 Canada

Fastest Time To Extract A Weed From Lawn Using A Weed Puller

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman extracted a weed from his lawn using a weed puller in 5.25 seconds.

02:32 India

Fastest Recitation Of Hamlet's Soliloquy "To Be Or Not To Be"

Poorvie Choudhary

Poorvie Choudhary recited Hamlet's soliloquy "To Be or Not to Be" in 39.33 seconds.

00:40 Australia

Fastest Time To Balance A Tennis Racquet On Index Finger


WoofDeadBang balanced a tennis racquet on his index finger in 0.53 second.

00:25 The Internet

Fastest Death In "Jaws" (NES)

Jeremiah Neff

Jeremiah's game character in Jaws died in 8.47 seconds.

12:46 South Africa

Fastest Time To Flip A 75-Kilogram Tire 2.5 Kilometers

Pieter Potgieter

Pieter Potgieter flipped a 75-kilogram tire 2.5 kilometers in two hours, 10 minutes.

00:30 United States

Fastest Time To Perform 30 Crab Walk Hold Bean Bag Catches

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 30 crab walk hold bean bag catches in 28.50 seconds.

00:03 The Internet

Fastest Chidori Hand Sign

Eugene Wu

Eugene W. made the Chidori hand sign in 1.37 seconds.

00:06 England

Fastest Time To Calculate "1+1" On An iPhone Calculator

Louie Fine

Louie F. calculated 1+1 on an iPhone calculator in 0.80 second.

00:17 England

Fastest Time To Make A Calendar Event On An iPhone

Louie Fine

Louie F. made a calendar event on an iPhone in 3.48 seconds.

01:39 Australia

Fastest Time To Stack Two Plastic Bottles With One Hand

Brandon Naylor

Brandon N. stacked two plastic bottles with one hand in 4.03 seconds.

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