Face World Records

91 Records Found

08:12 United States

Most Pink Post-It Notes Attached To Face

hannah tierney

Hannah T. attached 63 hot pink Post-It notes to her face.

02:57 Canada

Most Pizza Slice Face Slaps In 15 Seconds

Mel Sampson

Mel Sampson set the record live on-air during the “The Drive Home with Mel” show on K-Rock 89.3 on September 20, 2010. TAG:RecordSetterBook01

04:37 Italy

Most Post-It Notes Attached To Face In One Minute

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter stuck 55 Post-it notes to his face in one minute.

14:48 Canada

Most Rubber Bands Stretched Over The Face

Dylan Allen

Dylan Allen stretched 100 rubber bands over his face.

05:51 India

Most Rubber Bands Stretched Over The Head In One Minute


Shripad V. stretched 82 rubber bands over his face.

04:06 Canada

Most Safety Pins Fit In Beard At Once

Jacob Williams

Jacob W. fit 202 safety pins in his beard at once.

01:32 India

Most Slaps To One's Own Face In One Minute

Amit Pandey

Amit P slapped his own face 789 times in one minute.

00:33 United States

Most Slaps To The Face Received In 15 Seconds

Scott Walsh

Scott Walsh received 171 slaps to his face in 15 seconds.

00:48 United States

Most Slices Of Cheese Placed On Face While Standing On One Leg And Wearing A Michigan T-Shirt

Kary Kull

Kary Kull placed seven slices of cheese to his face while standing on one leg and wearing a Michigan t-shirt.

00:42 The Internet

Most Smiles By A One-Month Old Baby In One Minute

Jacob Franklin

Jacob smiled seven times in less than one minute. He is 29 days, 14 hours old during the attempt.

01:19 The Internet

Most Smiley Faces Drawn On Someone's Arm In One Minute

Louisa Najjar-Rulin

Louisa N. drew 64 smiley faces on her friend's arm in one minute.

01:48 United States

Most Smiley Faces Drawn While Playing A Note On A Wind Instrument

Logan Vleck

Logan V. drew 51 smiley faces while playing a note using a wind instrument.

00:10 Serbia

Most Spoons Balanced On Face At Once

Dalibor Jablanović

Dalibor J. balanced 34 spoons on his face at once.

02:06 Nigeria

Most Spoons Balanced On Face In 90 Seconds

Oyinloye Seun

Oyinloye Seun balanced 10 spoons on his face in 90 seconds.

13:12 Serbia

Most Spoons Balanced On Face In One Minute

Dalibor Jablanović

Dalibor J. balanced 22 spoons on his face in one minute.

01:06 United States

Most Stick-On Uni-Brows Applied In Five Minutes In A Prius

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

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