Eye World Records

Eye Challenges

26 Records Found

04:22 United States

Slowest Blink


Ethan H. took three minutes, 43.63 seconds to blink.

00:41 United States

Longest Non-Stop Eyeball Vibration


Wi9sq kept his eyeballs vibrating for 39.40 seconds.

00:43 United States

Most Googly Eyes Attached To A Body

Sam AndCyan

Sam glued 310 googly eyes to her body.

00:14 India

Most Blinks In Five Seconds While Holding A Stapler

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur blinked 31 times in five seconds while holding a stapler.

00:40 United States

Most Winks In 30 Seconds

Jason Jackson

Jason J. completed 119 winks in 30 seconds.

00:52 Norway

Most Eye Rolls In 30 Seconds

Trygve Guntvedt

Trygve G. rolled his eyes 83 times in 30 seconds.

01:03 United States

Largest Group To Squeeze Lemon And Lime Into Eyes At Once

Michael Smith

Michael Smith, Jon, Kevin, Dan, and Andrew squeezed wedges of lemon and lime into their eyes at the same time.

00:54 The Internet

Most Pairs Of Sunglasses On A Car Dashboard

Daniel Toocheck

Daniel T. put 101 pairs of sunglasses on a car dashboard.

08:50 United States

Longest Time To Keep One Eye Open Without Blinking

Joe Taylor

Joe Taylor held one eye open without blinking for eight minutes, 26.66 seconds.

02:09 United States

Most Consecutive Golf Ball Bounces On Alternating Sides Of A Sledgehammer

Vaughan Heussenstamm

Vaughan H. bounced a golf ball 245 times in a row using alternating sides of his 4-pound sledgehammer.

05:01 United States

Longest Time To Stare At A Flashlight

The Chillax0rz

Blake Geib stared at a flashlight for two minutes, 11.18 seconds. NOTE: Staring into any bright light can be harmful to the eyes. Please use caution.

00:31 United States

Shortest Staring Contest

Mick Cullen

Mick Cullen lost a staring contest to Autumn Rizzio in .134 seconds during a live broadcast of WRLR 98.3 FM’sSubterraneanshow in Round Lake Heights, Illinois. This record was one of 16 URDB records broken during the show’s attempt to set a new record for Most URDB World Records Broken During A Live Radio Show[].

United States

Longest Time Staring At Self In Mirror

Demetrios Koco

Demetrios K. stared at himself in the mirror for four minutes, 13.03 seconds.

00:45 The Internet

Most Times Sticking Tongue Out In One Minute With Eyes Closed

Rintaro Okabe

Rintaro O. stuck out his tongue 78 times in one minute with his eyes closed.

04:58 Pakistan

Most Appearances Of The Word "Eye" In The Lyrics Of A Song

Taher Shah

Taher Shah's song, Eye to Eye, has 226 words, with the word "eye" repeated 60 times to make up approximately 26 percent of the song.

00:29 The Internet

Most Eyebrow Raises In 30 Seconds

Joshua Evan

Joshua E. raised his left eyebrow 57 times in 30 seconds.

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