Balancing World Records

2794 Records Found

00:49 United States

Longest Time Playing And Balancing A Didgeridoo On Lips While Seated

Tai Star

Tai Star played and balanced a didgeridoo on his lips for 10.91 seconds while seated on the floor.

00:55 United States

Longest Time Playing A Conga Drum With A Hacky Sack On Head While Balancing On An Exercise Ball

Tai Star

Tai Star played conga drum for 20.22 seconds with a hacky sack on his head while balancing on an exercise ball.

10:42 United States

Longest Time Balancing An Upside Down Fedora Hat On Top Of The RecordSetter Book Of World Records On Head While Balancing On An Exercise Ball

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced an upside down fedora hat on top of the RecordSetter Book of World Records on his head for eight minutes, 2.37 seconds while balancing on an exercise ball.

00:52 United States

Shortest Time Supporting Oneself Between Parallel Walls Before Getting In Trouble


TheSkaterG supported himself between parallel walls for 18.57 seconds before his father found him and yelled at him to get down.

01:41 India

Most Consecutive Hacky Sack Stalls On One Foot While Balancing On An Exercise Ball

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur completed 40 consecutive hacky sack stalls on one foot while balancing on an exercise ball.

00:32 United States

Fastest Time To Hop 17 Feet While Balancing A Broom On One Foot

Tai Star

Tai Star hopped 17 feet in 5.72 seconds while balancing a broom on his foot.

07:27 Canada

Longest Time Balancing Seven Golf Balls On Top Of A Wine Bottle And A Wine Glass Filled With Three Golf Balls On Back Of Hand

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced seven golf balls on top of a wine bottle and a wine glass filled with three golf balls on the back of his hand for five minutes, 44.66 seconds.

00:38 United States

Longest Time Balancing On One Hand On A Fire Hydrant

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced on one hand on a fire hydrant for 20.32 seconds.

14:36 India

Longest Time Balancing Five Cans On Left Index Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced five soda cans on his left index finger for 13 minutes, 47.09 seconds.

01:02 United States

Fastest Time To Complete Ten 360-Degree Spins With A Hacky Sack On Head While Balancing A Juggling Ball On A Deck Of Cards On Top Of The RecordSetter Book Of World Records On Three Fingertips

Tai Star

Tai Star completed ten 360-degree spins in 13.25 seconds with a hacky sack on his head and while balancing a juggling ball on a deck of cards on top of the RecordSetter Book of World Records on three fingertips.

03:56 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Melodica On Index Finger

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced a melodica on his index finger for 22 minutes, 0.70 second. NOTE: A portion of this video is sped up.


Fastest Time To Recite The Periodic Table Of Elements While Supporting Oneself Between Parallel Walls

Daksh Choudhary

Daksh Choudhary recited all 118 elements of the periodic table in one minute, 3.58 seconds while supporting himself between parallel walls.

13:38 Wales

Longest Time Balancing Six 23-Ounce Cans On Thumb

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced six cans on his thumb for 10 minutes, 59.00 seconds.

04:22 United States

Most Body Parts To Balance A Broom On

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced a broom on 34 parts of his body.

00:33 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Broom On One Finger While Hula Hooping

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced a broom on one finger for 8.80 seconds while hula hooping.

11:13 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A 16-Inch Tent Peg On Thumb

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a 16-inch tent peg on his thumb for 10 minutes, 9.60 seconds.

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