Hand World Records

852 Records Found

07:24 Wales

Longest Time To Balance A Floor Sweeper On Back Of Hand

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced a floor sweeper on the back of his hand for six minutes, 23.68 seconds.

00:40 United States

Longest Time Holding Knee With Both Hands While Standing On One Foot On A Slackline With A Bird On Shoulder

Tai Star

Tai Star held his right knee with both hands for 13.41 seconds while standing on one foot on a slackline with a bird perched on his shoulder.

01:23 United States

Most Bottom Cards Put On Top Of A Deck In One Minute Using One Hand

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey put 52 cards on top of a deck in one minute using one hand.

10:21 Norway

Most Finger Snaps In 10 Minutes

Morten Bentsen

Morten Bentsen snapped his fingers 5,901 times in 10 minutes.

00:30 United States

Most One-Handed Flashes Of Three Hula Hoops In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed five one-handed flashes in 30 seconds using hula hoops.

00:56 United States

Most Times To Flip A Roll Of Wrapping Paper Balanced On Back Of Hand

Tai Star

Tai Star flipped a roll of wrapping paper seven times while balancing it on the back of his hand.

08:45 United States

Longest Time To Balance A Set Of Checkers On The Back Of Hand

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced a set of checkers on the back of his hand for seven minutes, 59.03 seconds.

26:03 The Internet

Most Consecutive One-Handed Claps

Jacob Santiago

Jacob S. clapped 5,959 times in row with one hand.

05:59 United States

Longest Time Patting Head And Rubbing Stomach Simultaneously

iD Tech Camp Villanova

Duncan S, Anthony R, Ethan, Milan L and Jeff each pat their heads while rubbing their stomachs for two hours. They set the record while attending id Tech Campin Villanova, Pennsylvania. [#iDTech][]

01:24 United States

Most Barstools Held At Once

Marcus Segal

Marcus Segal displays tremendous strength and fortitude by holding up nine barstools at once. BM2008

01:55 United States

Most High Fives While An Audience Recites The Pledge Of Allegiance [ADULT]

Guy Harper

Hunter Duncan and Guy Harper high fived 113 times while a crowd recited the Pledge of Allegiance, a new world record. This patriotic feat took place at a World Record Appreciation Society[] gathering in New York City on March 25, 2009. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were on hand to document the record and count the high fives.

01:16 The Internet

Most Fingers Fit In Mouth

Cracka Dawn

Cracka Dawn pushed the limits of open mouthdom by fitting parts of 30 fingers into her mouth at once. The record was set on Friday, August 29, 2008 at the Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Nevada. Yasuyuki Tsumashika, an Executive Committee member from the Playa Book of Records, videotaped and witnessed the feat. #BM2008

01:42 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Golf Ball On Top Of Another Golf Ball

Michael Lavery

Michael Lavery bounced a golf ball on the top of another golf 156 times in a row.

01:15 United States

Fastest Symmetrical Fill Of A Connect Four Board By Two People With One Eye Closed Using Their Non-Dominant Hands


Thomas McGinniss and Josh Graber symmetrically filled a Connect Four board using their non-dominant hands and each having one eye closed in 32.00 seconds.

01:32 United States

Most Water Balloon Tosses Over A Ford In One Minute

John Nelson

John Nelson and Russell DeCaprio tossed a water balloon over a 2010 Ford Fusion 73 times in one minute. Nelson and DeCaprio set the record as part of Fusion 41, a World Record Challenge created by the Ford Motor Company.

01:24 United States

Most Tandem Knee Slaps In One Minute

iD Tech Camps New York University

Four student campers from iD Tech Camps New York University slapped their knees 1,689 times in one minute. [#iDTech][]

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