Fastest World Records

Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!

2591 Records Found

02:43 Australia

Fastest Time For A Couple To Shave Off A Mustache In A Radio Booth

Pablo Miller

Pablo's girlfriend shaved off his mustache in one minute, 45.70 seconds. They set the record in a radio booth.

00:02 United States

Fastest Time Standing On A Trampoline Without Using Hands

David Floyd

David F. stood up on a trampoline in 0.67 second without using his hands.

00:12 India

Fastest Gryphon Roll

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a Gryphon roll in 1.52 seconds.

00:11 India

Fastest Behind-The-Back Two-Handed Three Packet Thumb Card Cut

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a two-handed Three Packet Thumb cut behind his back in 2.41 seconds.

00:21 India

Fastest Behind-The-Back Krypto CMC Card Cut

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a Krypto CMC card cut behind his back in 12.34 seconds.

00:19 India

Fastest Behind-The-Back Two-Handed Triangle Display Card Cut

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a two-handed triangle display card cut behind his back in 4.87 seconds.

00:17 India

Fastest Behind-The-Back Two-Handed Kryptonite Card Cut

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a two-handed Kryptonite card cut behind his back in 6.53 seconds.

00:13 India

Fastest Behind-The-Back Two-Handed Reverse Scissor Card Cut

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a two-handed Reverse Scissor cut behind his back in 1.13 seconds.

00:15 India

Fastest Behind-The-Back Two-Handed Muse Card Cut

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a two-handed Muse card cut behind his back in 3.32 seconds.

01:15 United States

Fastest Time To Read The Opening Crawl Of "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope" In Pig Latin

TV Camp

A member of TV Camp recited the opening crawl of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope in Pig Latin in 46.20 seconds.

00:26 Australia

Fastest Time To Stamp 40 Travel Brochures

BYOkids ...your family travel gurus

A member of BYOkids stamped 40 travel brochures in 20.28 seconds.

00:44 India

Fastest Time To Complete 10 Saber's Flipper Card Cuts While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On Alternating Sides Of A Table Tennis Paddle

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. completed 10 Saber's Flipper card cuts in 33.58 seconds while bouncing a table tennis ball on alternating sides of a table tennis paddle.

00:34 United States

Fastest Time To Rip A Phone Book In Half While Hanging Upside Down On An Inversion Table

Clint Poore

Clint P. ripped a phone book in half in 1.43 seconds while hanging upside down on an inversion table.

20:53 United States

Fastest Time To Complete Five Variation 400-Rep Consecutive Push-Up Challenge

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed a five variation 400-rep consecutive push-up challenge in 29 minutes, 38.57 seconds.

00:15 India

Fastest Behind-The-Back Two-Handed Saber's Revo-Flipped Card Cut

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a two-handed Saber's Revo-Flipped card cut behind his back in 5.43 seconds.

00:15 India

Fastest Behind-The-Back Two-Handed Revolution 2 And Chen Ka Card Cut Combination

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a two-handed Revolution 2 and Chen Ka card cut combination behind his back in 5.28 seconds.

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