Record Broken!

See Current

Most Aerial Cartwheels In 10 Seconds



Wasaga Beach, Ontario, Canada / January 20, 2017

Bobbie-Allannah performed eight cartwheels in 10 seconds.

- must perform no-handed aerial cartwheels as explained here
- no external support or assistance from others permitted
- only cartwheels fully completed within time limit are counted
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostwildcardgymnasticscartwheelaerial

  • The Internet Frank Rager

    Wow, what a big achievement this is for this young girl who broke the record of most Cartwheels in ten seconds. Recently, I saw a girl who set this record and I was thinking that it would be very difficult for someone to break that record. Now I would like to visit website to play poker games with my friends online.

  • United States Darcy N.

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