Record Broken!

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Longest Time Holding A Martial Arts Front Kick Position


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Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan / July 24, 2013

Ahmad Amin Bodla held a martial arts front kick position for 21.65 seconds.

- no outside support permitted
- leg must be straight and parallel to the ground
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: longestsportsholdingmartial artskickposepositionfront kick

  • India Sachin Solanki

    Please check my record again

    • United States Jenn Wark

      Hello Sachin. We have reviewed your record and it does not meet the rule of "legs must be straight and parallel to the ground." Your leg drops beneath the parallel mark at 00:13 and continues to drop through the end of the record. We'd love to see another submission from you that meets the criteria. Thanks!

  • The Internet Anastasiia

    This is not a kick! Not even on the very first second of the video

  • England Kevin Franklin

    Well said BLACKBELTSKYDIVE or perhaps most viewers, don't know what a martial arts kick is (20 years Nidan Shukokai). This is just a raised leg, the first attempt still should rule ( leg to own belt height, toes back).

  • United States BlackBeltSkydive

    Who granted this record? Please read the RULES. Anyone can plainly see that the leg is NOT "straight and parallel to the ground." I don't understand how you can even consider submitting this video for approval when it clearly doesn't meet the criteria.


    Nice kid! the record said holding the martial arts front kick position not just lifting the leg , A front kick involves toes pulled , Congratulations! I ll demonstrate the proper form when I post the video in 2 3 days

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