People World Records

642 Records Found

01:52 Canada

Oldest Person To Have 1,600 RecordSetter World Records

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman has 1,600 RecordSetter world records at the age of 72. See his records here.

03:48 United States

Longest Line Of People Lying Down

Andrew Brackmann

Andrew Brackmann led 331 people at C&MA's Metro Youth "Thrive" Retreat in forming a line while lying down.

00:28 United States

Most People Invisible Hula Hooping At Once

HOWLive Design Conference

At Sam Harrison's "Slay Your Zombies, Slash Your Zigzags, Show Your Zing" session during 2017 HOWLive Design Conference, 800 people invisible hula hooped at once.

02:00 United States

Most Tennis Racquets Strung By A Group In One Hour


Members of the International Alliance of Racquet Technicians strung 119 tennis racquets in one hour. The participants were grouped by teams represented by participating sponsors Alpha, Babolat, Gamma, Prince, Wilson & Yonex. Each group had its own team leader and judge pre-assigned for the attempt. They set the record at their annual symposium in Tampa, Florida.

05:04 Canada

Most Kids Leaping On A Leap Day

Teal Beattie

Jack, Finn, Molly and 19 of their friends leaped at once on a leap day.

07:27 England

Most People Using VR Viewers At Once

james edward

James Edward led 198 people in using VR Viewers at once. They set the record during the BrizTech and PsychFi Lab conference at MCM London Comic Con.

04:59 Pakistan

Largest Human Field Hockey Stick Formation

Moiz Syed

Moiz Syed and 1,000 participants from Habib Public School in Karachi, Pakistan created a human field hockey stick formation. The formation measured 300 feet in length. They set the record to promote field hockey and other sports activities among students.

04:42 India

Most People Ball Bobbing At Once

Chinmaya Vidyalaya Matriculation

510 students from Chinmaya Matriculation School in Coimbatore, India ball bobbed at once.

04:19 India

Most People Dressed As Hindu God Krishna

Chinmaya Vidyalaya Matriculation

377 students from Chinmaya Vidyalaya Matriculation School were dressed as Hindu God Krishna.

00:30 United States

Most Hands Touching The Batmobile At Once


A total of 25 people touched Batman's Batmobile at once. RecordSetter officials were present to adjudicate the attempt. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.

01:52 United States

Longest Video Waterfall

Vimeo Festival Attendees

65 attendees of the 2010 Vimeo Festival lined up and and shot video clips in cascading waterfall format, creating the longest video waterfall.

00:47 England

Most People Drinking Bloody Marys On A Staircase

Kristian Foy

22 people drank Bloody Marys on a staircase, a world record.

06:21 United States

Longest Charity Waterfall

Kiva New York

At a Kiva event celebrating International Women’s Day, 54 people lined up and set a new world record for the Longest Charity Waterfall. Record participants included Kiva CEO Matt Flannery, president Premal Shah and Director of Development Bennett Grassano, who conceived the feat. Attendees lined up and donated at least $1 to a pile of money that was passed along the line in a waterfall manner, raising $175 in less than a minute. The money was instantly processed as a Kiva microfinancing loan.

00:42 United States

Most People Planking In A Circle

iD Tech Camps Villanova University

A total of 79 campers fromiD Tech Camps Villanova University[]plankedin a circle. [#iDTech][]

04:04 United States

Most People To Simultaneously Dissolve Pep-O-Mint Life Savers

iD Tech Camps Villanova University

A total of 33 student campers fromiD Tech Camps Villanova University[] each simultaneously dissolved a Pep-O-MintLife Saver[] candy. [#iDTech][]

05:03 The Internet

Largest Game Of "Telephone"

Katie Ciabotti

Led by Katie Ciabotti, 59 people participated in playing a game of Telephone.

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