video game World Records

  1. #401

    Longest Bridge Built In "Minecraft"

    Logan J. built a bridge 1,036 blocks long in Minecraft.

    Nov 27 LoganJordon 40 comments The Internet
  2. #402

    Fewest Blocks Used To Make A House In "Minecraft"

    Lucas used 11 blocks to make a house in Minecraft.

    Nov 28 protectivetuber1 22 comments The Internet
  3. #403

    Highest Score In "Ninja Gaiden III"

    James S. earned 1,306,900 points in Ninja Gaiden III.

    Dec 04 NightmareJames United States
  4. #404

    Most Nintendo Video Game Cases Fit In A Shoebox

    Reuben C. fit 29 Nintendo video game cases in a shoebox.

    Dec 05 ReubenCorazza 4 comments The Internet
  5. #405

    Farthest Pig Cannon Shot In "Minecraft"

    HarrytheCookie fired a Pig Cannon a distance of 78 blocks in Minecraft.

    Dec 07 HarrytheCookie1 1 comment The Internet
  6. #406

    Most Home Runs In A Single Game Of "Wii Sports" (Wii)

    Lance E. completed nine home runs in a single game of Wii Sports.

    Dec 10 RoyalLance 1 comment United States
  7. #407

    Highest Score In "Furu Furu Park: Bubble Bobble" (Wii)

    Shawne V. scored 1,028,500 points in Furu Furu Park: Bubble Bobble.

    Dec 12 ShawneVinson United States
  8. #408

    Highest Score In "Furu Furu Park: Pocky & Rocky" (Wii)

    Shawne V. earned 3,794,000 points in Furu Furu Park: Pocky & Rocky.

    Dec 12 ShawneVinson United States
  9. #409

    Fewest Moves Made To Win Against Computer In "Line Bounder"

    Ryan E. used just 42 moves to win against the computer in a game of Line Bounder.

    Dec 13 RyanEstrada United States
  10. #410

    Highest Score In "The Pinball Arcade: Theatre of Magic" (Xbox LIVE)

    Christopher C. earned 2,592,716,590 points in The Pinball Arcade: Theater of Magic.

    Dec 13 StyleZClasH United States
  11. #411

    Highest Score In Action Mode Of "Bejeweled 2" (Wii)

    Lance E. earned 518,950 points in action mode of Bejeweled 2 for WiiWare.

    Dec 13 RoyalLance United States
  12. #412

    Highest Score In "The Pinball Arcade: Gorgar" (Xbox LIVE)

    Christopher C. earned 263,350 points in The Pinball Arcade: Gorgar.

    Dec 14 StyleZClasH United States
  13. #413

    Highest Score In Blitz Mode Of "Bejeweled Twist" (DS)

    Lance E. earned 231,500 points in Blitz Mode of Bejeweled Twist.

    Dec 14 RoyalLance United States
  14. #414

    Highest Score In "The Pinball Arcade: Tales of the Arabian Nights" (Xbox LIVE)

    Christopher C. earned 16,727,840 points in The Pinball Arcade: Tales of the Arabian Nights for XBox LIVE.

    Dec 17 StyleZClasH 2 comments United States
  15. #415

    Highest Score In "Fix It Felix Jr." (Android)

    John P. earned 120,225 points in Fix It Felix Jr.

    Dec 17 JohnPompa 2 comments The Internet
  16. #416

    Tallest "Minecraft" Tower

    Chester T. built a tower in Minecraft that is 256 blocks in height.

    Dec 17 ChesterETuason 40 comments Philippines
  17. #417

    Highest Score In Classic Mode Of "Bejeweled 2" (Wii)

    Lance E. earned 312,376 points in classic mode of Bejeweled 2 (WiiWare).

    Dec 17 RoyalLance 6 comments United States
  18. #418

    Fastest Lap On "Excitebike" (NES)

    Shawne V. completed a lap on Excitebike in 28.64 seconds.

    Dec 19 ShawneVinson 9 comments United States
  19. #419

    Longest Railroad In "Minecraft"

    Brandon built a railroad in Minecraft 1,200 units long.

    Dec 20 BrandonSmith1 13 comments The Internet
  20. #420

    Most Rounds Survived In A Two-Player Game Of "Call of Duty: BO2 - Zombies"

    Nachtigall and his friend survived 15 rounds of two-player game of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Zombies.

    Dec 21 Nachiit 26 comments Brazil
video game records
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