video game World Records

  1. #381

    Highest Score In "Altered Beast" (Sega Genesis)

    Ryan S. earned 439,400 points in Altered Beast.

    Feb 20 RyanSullivan The Internet
  2. #382

    Fastest Time To Complete Green Hill Zone, Act 3 In "Sonic the Hedgehog"

    Matthew F. completed Green Hill Zone, Act 3 in Sonic the Hedgehog in 37.00 seconds.

    Feb 21 MatthewFelix2 2 comments United States
  3. #383

    Longest "Pokemon Emerald" Play Time

    Joseph K. spent 270 hours, 37 minutes playing Pokemon Emerald.

    Feb 21 JosephKenneally 12 comments Ireland
  4. #384

    Fastest Completion Of "Star Fox" Using Course 1 (SNES)

    Matthew F. completed Star Fox using Course 1 in 24 minutes,26.00 seconds.

    Feb 21 MatthewFelix2 United States
  5. #385

    Highest Score In "Altered Beast" (Sega Genesis)

    Michael S. earned 441,700 points in Altered Beast.

    Feb 21 MichaelSroka United States
  6. #386

    Fastest Completion Of "Pokemon Crystal"

    Matthew F. completed Pokemon Crystal in three hours, 21 minutes.

    Feb 24 MatthewFelix2 United States
  7. #387

    Highest Score In "Disney's Frozen: Olaf's Fancy Footwork"

    Joseph K. earned 9,869,387 points in Disney's Frozen: Olaf's Fancy Footwork.

    Feb 24 JosephKenneally 3 comments Ireland
  8. #388

    Highest Score In "Squishy Bird"

    Joseph K. earned 6,823 points in Squishy Bird.

    Feb 24 JosephKenneally 9 comments Ireland
  9. #389

    Highest Score In "Flappy Turd" (Online)

    Mathew P. earned three points in Flappy Turd.

    Feb 25 MathewPike Canada
  10. #390

    Highest Score Earned By A 13-Year-Old In A Game Of "Dumb Ways To Die" (Mobile)

    Jessie earned 14,232 points in Dumb Ways To Die. He is 13 years old.

    Feb 25 JessieHendricks 13 comments United States
  11. #391

    Highest Score In "Dino Puzzle" (Online)

    Joseph K. earned 922,700 points in Dino Puzzle.

    Feb 25 JosephKenneally Ireland
  12. #392

    Highest Score In "Sparks" (Online)

    Joseph K. earned 315,601 points in Sparks.

    Feb 26 JosephKenneally Ireland
  13. #393

    Highest Score In "Popcorn Ninja: Classic Mode" (Online)

    Joseph K. earned 4,512 points in Popcorn Ninja: Classic Mode.

    Feb 26 JosephKenneally Ireland
  14. #394

    Highest Score In "Eggz Blast" (Online)

    Joseph K. earned 41,150 points in Eggz Blast.

    Feb 26 JosephKenneally Ireland
  15. #395

    Highest Score In "Valentine Hearts" (Online)

    Joseph K. earned 1,274,600 points in Valentine Hearts.

    Feb 27 JosephKenneally Ireland
  16. #396

    Highest Score In "Shuriken Block" (Online)

    Joseph K. earned 628 points in Shuriken Block.

    Feb 27 JosephKenneally 1 comment Ireland
  17. #397

    Highest "Flappy Bird" Score

    Bassie W. earned 1,597 points in Flappy Bird.

    Feb 27 BassieWouters 267 comments Belgium
  18. #398

    Highest Score In "World's Fastest Tapper" (Online)

    Joseph K. earned 552 points in World's Fastest Tapper.

    Feb 28 JosephKenneally 5 comments Ireland
  19. #399

    Highest Score In "Shuriken Block" (Online)

    Joseph K. earned 1,054 points in Shuriken Block.

    Feb 28 JosephKenneally 1 comment Ireland
  20. #400

    Highest Score In "Shuriken Block" (Online)

    Jon H. earned 3,040 points in Shuriken Block.

    Mar 03 JonHooley1 1 comment United States
video game records
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