I have a feeling that this is only seven cans. When the cans break apart in the first attempt, he slides one can against the wall, continues to add them. If the one he slides against the wall is only one can and not two, then he only lifts seven cans. Hate being "that guy," just doing this for the integrity of the site!
So, I know Sam and I watched this entire video (thanks Dan for the commentary). However, I went back and re-timed it, if he puts his nose on the doorframe at the 0:18 mark and then takes it off at the 6:02 mark, wouldn't that be 5:44.?? Not complaining, just want Sam to get his fair shake :)
Most Video Games Reviewed In Two Minutes
I hate to be that guy BUT... Joseph didn't give the final game a numerical rating out of 10... so technically by the criteria it's 13, but great job!
Longest Suspended Red Bull Can Chain
Nevermind, i only watched the first attempt... ignore me
Longest Suspended Red Bull Can Chain
I have a feeling that this is only seven cans. When the cans break apart in the first attempt, he slides one can against the wall, continues to add them. If the one he slides against the wall is only one can and not two, then he only lifts seven cans. Hate being "that guy," just doing this for the integrity of the site!
Longest Time Touching Nose To Door Frame
So, I know Sam and I watched this entire video (thanks Dan for the commentary). However, I went back and re-timed it, if he puts his nose on the doorframe at the 0:18 mark and then takes it off at the 6:02 mark, wouldn't that be 5:44.?? Not complaining, just want Sam to get his fair shake :)
Fastest Time To Drink Eight Ounces Of Lemonade With 20 Peanut M&M's In Mouth
I'm confused, the clock starts once he touches the M&M's? And it looks like chewing is allowed, but you can't swallow the M&M's?