It was intended as satire by using the longest known single track song possible and the highest number a VBS script can use before it reports a stack overflow. According to the rules of this entry, it does not specify that it had to actually play that number of times; only that it has the highest playcount in iTunes. The 866 days of the previous record is just as outrageous and unprovable without a corresponding 866 days of video as the 250,292 years of the one I submitted.
Most Plays Of A Single Song In iTunes
It was intended as satire by using the longest known single track song possible and the highest number a VBS script can use before it reports a stack overflow. According to the rules of this entry, it does not specify that it had to actually play that number of times; only that it has the highest playcount in iTunes. The 866 days of the previous record is just as outrageous and unprovable without a corresponding 866 days of video as the 250,292 years of the one I submitted.