Longest Time Balancing A Cue Stick On Ear
Doug McManaman balanced a cue stick on his ear for two minutes, 8.71 seconds.
Jun 16 DougMcManaman
Most High Kicks Performed In 10 Seconds
Krishan Kumar performed 16 high kicks in 10 seconds.
Aug 16 krishankumar1
Most High Kicks Performed In 10 Seconds
Jordyn-Elle performed 11 high kicks in 10 seconds.
Jan 27 AllieandElleinc
Most High Kicks Performed In 10 Seconds
Carter M. performed 13 high kicks in 10 seconds.
Feb 23 CarterMacomber
Most High Kicks Performed In 10 Seconds
Jordyn-Elle performed 12 high kicks in 10 seconds.
Feb 22 AllieandElleinc
Most High Kicks Performed In 10 Seconds
Jordyn-Elle performed 15 high kicks in 10 seconds.
Feb 26 AllieandElleinc
Fastest Time To Perform Five Revolution Cuts And Five Triangle Cuts
Kamal Aslam performed five Revolution cuts and five Triangle cuts in 27.12 seconds.
Jan 28 KamalAslam
Fastest Time To Perform Five Triple Charlier Cuts And Five Kryptonite Cuts
Kamal Aslam performed five Triple Charlier cuts and five Kryptonite cuts in 24.99 seconds.
Jan 28 KamalAslam
Most Consecutive Spiderman Push-Ups In 15 Minutes
Alicia Weber performed 316 Spiderman push-ups in 15 minutes.
Jan 28 AliciaWeber
Most Consecutive Spiderman Push-Ups In 15 Minutes
Alicia Weber performed 325 Spiderman push-ups in 15 minutes.
Mar 22 AliciaWeber
Highest Score In "Jelly Mania: Level 8" (Online)
Pavol Durdik earned 37,950 points in Jelly Mania: Level 8.
Jan 28 PavolDurdik
Most Steps On A Five-Inch High Stepper While Holding Two 138-Pound Barbells
William Cannon stepped on a five-inch high stepper one time while holding two 138-pound barbells.
Jan 28 WilliamCannon
Most Thrown Screwdrivers Piercing A Piece Of Cardboard
Viktor O. threw three screwdrivers at once, which pierced a piece of cardboard.
Jan 28 Vito
Fastest Time To Complete 201 Direct Strokes Into A Punching Dummy While Holding One-Kilogram Dumbbells In Both Hands
Pavol Durdik completed 201 direct strokes into a punching dummy in 27.37 seconds while holding one-kilogram dumbbells in both... (more)
Jan 28 PavolDurdik 1 comment
Longest Time Standing On An Exercise Ball While Holding A Plant
Alterazioni stood on an exercise ball for five minutes, 33.12 seconds while holding a plant.
Jan 28 AlterazioniVideo
Most Consecutive Two-Finger Handstand Push-Ups
Narek Hakobyan performed 3 two-finger handstand push-ups.
Jan 28 NarekHakobyan
Longest Time Balancing A Three-Foot Ruler On Right Ear
Doug McManaman balanced a three-foot ruler on his right ear for one minute, 8.41 seconds.
Jan 28 DougMcManaman
Fastest Time To Perform Five Revolution 2 Cuts And Five Muse Cuts
Kamal Aslam performed five Revolution 2 cuts and five Muse cuts in 40.45 seconds.
Jan 29 KamalAslam
Fastest Time To Perform Five Triple Charlier Cuts And Five CMC Cuts
Kamal Aslam performed five Triple Charlier cuts and five CMC cuts in 40.41 seconds.
Jan 29 KamalAslam