Chip World Records

18 Records Found

00:26 United States

Largest Human Doritos Chip


At the 2014 Super Bowl in East Rutherford, New Jersey, 30 fans assembled in triangle formation and set a world record for the Largest Human Doritos Chip. RecordSetter CEO Dan Rollman was present to count and officiate. Think you and your friends can beat the record? Follow the rules below and send in your video to RecordSetter.

03:02 The Internet

Tallest Americana Poker Chip Tower

Vlad Ivanov

Vlad Ivanov stacked 117 red, white and blue poker chips in a single tower.

15:57 United States

Longest Doritos Domino Chain


Joshua created a domino chain using 92 Doritos chips and successfully made the entire chain toppled. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.

02:36:11 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Doritos Mix Bags


Benjamin juggled three Doritos Mix bags for two hours, 34 minutes, 6.00 seconds. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.

01:10 The Internet

Most Chips Eaten Using Own Foot In One Minute

Glen S.

Glen S. ate 10 chips in one minute using his own foot.

03:47 United States

Tallest House Of Cards Built Using Doritos


Shawn built a house of cards using Doritos 5.12 inches in height. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.

01:11 United States

Longest Doritos Chip Throw Caught With Mouth


Shawn caught a Doritos chip thrown from 25 feet away using his mouth. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.

01:27 United States

Largest Serving Of Nachos

Chirps Chips

Chirps Chips served 5,000 pounds of nachos in a single serving. The nachos were made using cricket flour to promote eating insects as a more sustainable protein source.

United States

Most Snack Chip Flavors Eaten By Six People In One Sitting

Austin Foulk

Hollian Brooks, Nick Dipoalo, Austin Foulk, Chris Gulla, Brett Digwood and Curt Kromko each ate 15 different flavors of snack chips in one sitting. They used Pringles, Sun Chips, Middleswarth, Tostitos, Cheetos, and Doritos to achieve the feat.

02:24 Wales

Shortest Distance To Chip A Golf Ball Over A Five-Foot Fence

Mark Evans

Mark E. chipped a golf ball over a five-foot fence 12 inches away.

02:43 Wales

Shortest Distance Chipping A Table Tennis Ball Over A Five-Foot Fence

Mark Evans

Mark E. chipped a table tennis ball over a five-foot fence 12 inches away.

02:16 Wales

Fastest Time To Backwards Chip Five Table Tennis Balls Over A Five-Foot Fence Using A Golf Club

Mark Evans

Mark E. chipped five table tennis balls over a five-foot fence backwards using a golf club in 12.28 seconds.

01:54 Wales

Fastest Time To Reverse Chip Five Golf Balls Over A Five-Foot Fence Using A Golf Club

Mark Evans

Mark E. reverse chipped five golf balls over a five-foot fence using a golf club in 10.24 seconds.

00:10 United States

Highest Location To Eat A Doritos Chip


Anthony ate a Doritos chip 9,428 feet above sea level. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.

00:30 United States

Fastest Metal Doritos Chip Throw


A Doritos fan threw a metal Doritos chip 31.3 miles per hour. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.

00:35 United States

Tallest Doritos Chip Tower Created In 30 Seconds


Gerald created a tower of Doritos chips 3.7 inches in height. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.

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