Under Council Review

Luke Palleschi wants to set a world record:

Most Consecutive Catches of a Football

Record Attempt: 10Catches

Record Attempt


Set On

June 30, 2012


Pickering , Ontario


Josh Dekker threw the ball to Luke Palleschi

Community Analysis

  • The Internet Nick Wayne

    I have video proof of my friend and I catching 24 consecutive one-handed catches (12 each) without the ball touching the other hand at all. That is why this is not a record. Now if only the video will upload -_-

  • Canada Anthony Zara

    Why isn't this a record yet?

    • United States Alex Cunningham

      Because it's still under review and most likely will be rejected.

    • The Internet Lucas Palleschi

      First of all the whole point of having a record is to establish it on a website such as this one! And secondly if someone wants to do something in their spare time but does not want to establish it as a record or achievement and put it up as an established record on a site such as this than it cannot count as a current record!

    • United States Alex Cunningham

      Lucas, can you at least clarify if you were trying to set the record for one handed catches? Based on the data I was presented as a judge, this should be rejected since so many people have made more than 10 consecutive catches of a football. However, if this were most one handed catches, it is far more likely that I would accept it, especially if you add in the "alternate hand" criteria which you followed for your first nine catches. You have to understand, Lucas, we don't want to put up records that we know have been beaten.

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Roy Helu. 22 catches. No drops.


    (But really this is certainly not a/the record.)