Under Council Review

Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya wants to set a world record:

Shortest Tweet Having All Letters Of English Alphabet

Record Attempt: 0

Record Attempt


Set On

June 24, 2010


Goregaon (west), Mumbai, Maharashtra


My name is Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya. I am a teacher & living in Mumbai (India). My username on tweeter is dineshupadhyaya.

On 24th June, 2010 (3.42pm), I made a new world record of shortest meaningful tweet of only 26 characters having all letters of English alphabet on tweeter.com. Such sentence is known as Pangram.

My shortest Pangram tweet on tweeter is read as “JFKgotmyPCVHSandXLRwebQuiz”

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