Under Council Review

Mathew Cherian has submitted a world record on behalf of Mathew Cherian:

Water Floating With an Umbrella in One Hand and a Plate of Snacks in Other...

Record Attempt: 7minutes

Record Attempt


Set On

October 21, 2018


kollam, Kerala


Attempt By: Mathew Cherian Once I had been to the kollam beach in kerala and one of my students who came to learn water floating from coimbatore tamilnadu was also with me. We went to the beach and there were 3 life guards to save people from the sea from drowning with life jackets on their body. I approached them and said I want to swim in the sea. I knew that if one goes in to the wave at the wrong time, the wave can smash him on the ground and break his spinal cord or pelvic area. Since I was aware of the techniques, I insisted the life guards and said I want to take a swim in the sea. They objected saying that the collector has put up a sign board to warn anyone from going in the deep part of the sea. They said many have died in this sea before. But I still insisted saying...still I want to go, and then the life guards said...Ok we are three in numbers and if you sink...we can save you if you drown. So i removed my dress, and wearing a knicker swam in to the wave and move in the deeper part of sea and tied legs in padmasana and stayed there with cool headedness for 10 minutes or so and the life guards knew that I had skills...Finally I swarm ashore and then my student who had just received training in swimming and water floating, who was 130kg in weight said he too want to go to the sea. I said to him...the time has not come for you to attempt this...beware there are many dangers in sea and the waves...what looks simple can turn deadly any time.... All these wisdom shown through my videos, comes through inspiration from the paramatma or supreme knowledge...from time to time... so that my followers can study more and be filled with wisdom....

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